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Matsumoto, Mari 松本, 麻里 マツモト, マリ 神戸大学



This study aimed to develop a questionnaire assessing patients’ self-monitoring of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (QASM-ECOPD) and model the causal relationships of its factors using structural equation modeling. The QASM-ECOPD was divided into domain 1, “awareness of exacerbations,” and domain 2, “interpreting symptoms and signs as cues to seek medical care.” Factor analysis showed that domain 1 comprised 22 items across 3 factors and domain 2 comprised 18 items across 3 factors. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the two domains had reasonable model fit. The internal consistency and stability were at an acceptable level. The QASM-ECOPD correlated with the score of external criterion. The structural model of QASM-ECOPD exhibited a sequential relationship between the factors and the fact that a domain 2 factor, “recognizing hesitation before seeking medical care” is at its basis. COPD patients showed reluctance to seek treatments, and even if they noticed the onset of signs, they did not take action to seek medical care until general symptoms appeared. The QASM-ECOPD is reliable and valid to assess patients’ self-monitoring of exacerbation. The structural model of QASMECOPD provides important suggestions for encouraging COPD patients to take action to seek medical care in early stages of exacerbation.


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