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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Biocompatibility of titanium from the viewpoint of its surface」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Biocompatibility of titanium from the viewpoint of its surface

Hanawa, Takao 塙, 隆夫 ハナワ, タカオ 神戸大学



Among metals, Ti and majority of its alloys exhibit excellent biocompatibility or tissue compatibility. Although their high corrosion resistance is a factor in the biocompatibility of Ti and Ti alloys, it is clear that other factors exist. In this review, the corrosion resistance and passive film of Ti are compared to those of other metallic biomaterials, and their band gap energies, Egs, are compared to discuss the role of Eg in the reactivity with living tissues. From the perspective of the material's surface, it is possible to explain the excellent biocompatibility of Ti by considering the following factors: Ti ions are immediately stabilized not to show toxicity if it is released to body fluids; good balance of positive and negative charges by the dissociation of surface hydroxyl groups on the passive film; low electrostatic force of the passive film inducing a natural adsorption of proteins maintaining their natural conformation; strong property as n-type semiconductor; lower band gap energy of the passive film on Ti generating optimal reactivity; and calcium phosphate formation is caused by this reactivity. The results suggest that due to the passive oxide film, the optimal balance between high corrosion resistance and appropriate reactivity of Ti is the predominate solution for the excellent biocompatibility of Ti.


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