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An old model with new insights: endogenous retroviruses drive the evolvement toward ASD susceptibility and hijack transcription machinery during development

Lin, Chia-Wen Ellegood, Jacob Tamada, Kota Miura, Ikuo Konda, Mikiko Takeshita, Kozue Atarashi, Koji Lerch, P. Jason Wakana, Shigeharu McHugh, J. Thomas Takumi, Tooru 神戸大学



The BTBR T⁺Itpr3ᵗᶠ/J (BTBR/J) strain is one of the most valid models of idiopathic autism, serving as a potent forward genetics tool to dissect the complexity of autism. We found that a sister strain with an intact corpus callosum, BTBR TF/ArtRbrc (BTBR/R), showed more prominent autism core symptoms but moderate ultrasonic communication/normal hippocampus-dependent memory, which may mimic autism in the high functioning spectrum. Intriguingly, disturbed epigenetic silencing mechanism leads to hyperactive endogenous retrovirus (ERV), a mobile genetic element of ancient retroviral infection, which increases de novo copy number variation (CNV) formation in the two BTBR strains. This feature makes the BTBR strain a still evolving multiple-loci model toward higher ASD susceptibility. Furthermore, active ERV, analogous to virus infection, evades the integrated stress response (ISR) of host defense and hijacks the transcriptional machinery during embryonic development in the BTBR strains. These results suggest dual roles of ERV in the pathogenesis of ASD, driving host genome evolution at a long-term scale and managing cellular pathways in response to viral infection, which has immediate effects on embryonic development. The wild-type Draxin expression in BTBR/R also makes this substrain a more precise model to investigate the core etiology of autism without the interference of impaired forebrain bundles as in BTBR/J.



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We thank all technical staff of Takumi laboratory for their assistance. We are grateful

to the Support Unit for Bio-Material Analysis, RIKEN CBS Research Resources Division,

for array CGH. C-WL was supported by fellowships from the Japan Society for the

Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Tokyo Biochemical Research Foundation (TBRF).

This work was in part supported by KAKENHI (15F15105, 16H06316, 16H06463,

C.-W. Lin et al.


19K16529, 21H00202, 21H04813, 21K19351) from JSPS and the Ministry of Education,

Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan Agency for Medical Research and

Development (AMED) under Grant Number JP21wm0425011, Japan Science and

Technology Agency (JST) under Grant Number JPMJMS2299, Intramural Research

Grant (30-9) for Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders of NCNP, the Takeda Science

Foundation, Smoking Research Foundation, TBRF, Taiju Life Social Welfare Foundation, The Naito Foundation, and The Tokumori Yasumoto Memorial Trust for

Researches on Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and Related Rare Neurological Diseases.


Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material

available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-023-01999-z.

Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Toru Takumi.

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C-WL conceived the idea of this study. C.-W.L. performed or was involved in all

experiments. MK, KA, K Takeshita, and KH performed 16S rRNA metagenomic

sequencing. The anatomical MRI was performed and analyzed by JB and JPL. Wholegenome SNP scanning was performed by IM and SW. C-WL wrote the paper and TJM

provided suggestions for the logic flow of this manuscript, with editing provided by

TJM, K Tamada, and TT.


Open access funding provided by Kobe University.

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