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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Homogeneous Glycoprotein Synthesis Utilizing Bifunctional Glycosyl α-Amino Thioacid」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Homogeneous Glycoprotein Synthesis Utilizing Bifunctional Glycosyl α-Amino Thioacid

野村, 幸汰 大阪大学



Glycosylation is a major modification of secreted and cell surface proteins, however the resultant glycans show a considerable heterogeneity in their structures. To understand the biological functions arising from each glycoform, the preparation of homogeneous glycoproteins is essential for extensive biological experiments. To establish a more robust and rapid synthetic route of homogeneous glycoproteins, several key reactions based on α-amino thioacids have been studied. Extensive studies found that diacyl disulfide coupling (DDC) between a glycosyl asparagine thioacid B and a peptide thioacid A yielded a glycopeptide thioacid C (Figure 1).

This efficient coupling reaction enabled me to develop a new glycoprotein synthesis method, chemical glycan insertion strategy, which can insert glycosyl asparagine E between two unprotected peptides D, F (Figure 2). The first coupling is DDC between a peptide thioacid D and a glycosyl asparagine thioacid E. Because the resultant glycopeptide has a thioacid form at its C terminus, the thioacid capture ligation (TCL) can apply to the coupling of glycopeptide thioacid and another peptide F having p-nitropyridylsulfide (Npys) group at its N-terminus to afford the full-length glycoprotein G. Subsequent desulfurization of glycoproteins G can finally yields a natural form of glycoproteins H.

Applying this strategy, bioactive cytokines, interleukin 3 (IL3, 1), CC chemokine ligand 1 (CCL1, 2) and serine protease inhibitor kazal type 13 (SPINK13, 3) having a biantennary sialyloligosaccharide respectively were synthesized within a few steps (Figure 3). Previous glycoprotein synthesis methods required valuable glycosyl asparagine in the early stage and subsequent multiple glycoprotein synthesis routes. However, the developed new concept can generate glycoproteins within a few steps from peptides and glycosyl asparagine thioacids.

In terms of the synthesis of SPINK13 3, DDC and TCL should be performed with the low reactive proline and bulky valine and the synthesis is therefore challenging. The first a glycosyl asparagine thioacid 4 was coupled to an N-terminal peptide prolyl thioacid 5 using DDC to afford the glycopeptide thioacid 6 in 28% yield. Then, the resultant glycopeptide thioacid 6 was coupled with C-terminal peptide having the Npys group at β-mercaptovaline 7 utilizing TCL to give a full-length glycoprotein 8 in 59% yield. After desulfurization and deprotection of Acm protecting groups convergently afforded the linear glycoprotein polypeptide 9 and stepwise dialysis folding conditions gave the desired glycoproteins folded SPINK13 3 (Figure 4).

Furthermore, using homogeneous glycoproteins IL3 1 and SPINK13 3 synthesized by the developed strategy as chemical probes, several in vitro bioassays could be performed. These achievements indicate that our new synthetic strategy of homogeneous glycoproteins can be efficiently applied to not only the synthesis of chemical probes but also the various bioassays for the elucidation of the glycan structure-bioactivity relationship.


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