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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Research and Development of Rice Husk Recycling Technology for Agricultural Utilization in Taiwan」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Research and Development of Rice Husk Recycling Technology for Agricultural Utilization in Taiwan

郭, 威伯 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/0002000843



To meet the food demand of increasing human population with the planet’s limited resources has been a challenge for globe food supply. With the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticide, the yield of agriculture has massive grown, giving a hope to food demand problem. However, the application of synthetic fertilizers and pesticide has shown side effect on environment. The sustainable development of agriculture has become an important issue due to food supply challenge.

Circular agriculture, a concept of circular economy applying in agriculture, aims to reduce agriculture waste and make use of it into valuable products. Circular agriculture starts with restoring soil fertility as well as limits the loss of nitrogen and water in soil. Furthermore the most important thing is to minimize the input of chemical fertilizer as well as output of harmful substances and waste.

In Taiwan, rice is Taiwan’s most valuable crop. Rice straw and rice husk are the main agriculture wastes of paddy cultivation. Rice straw can be buried in the soil by agricultural machinery. But rice husk, a by-product of rice milling, is used as bedding, growing media and fuel of which has not been effectively used and non-valuable.

Pyrolysis, an ancient technology, is a thermal conversion process of agriculture waste in the absence of air or oxygen leading to the production of biochar and pyroligneous acid (PA). There has been a lot of research on the application of biochar and pyroligneous acid in agriculture due to their potential of replacing chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

In this research, a new technology of biochar reactor has been revealed of which named as Charcoal processing system with internal combustion furnace (CPSICF). Each time the furnace could produce about 14 kg of rice husk biochar (RHB) and 14 kg of rice husk vinegar (RHV) from 40 kg of rice husk. It is confirmed that high-quality RHB and RHV can be produced at gate width 5 and 7.5 mm.

Furthermore, the high-quality RHB and RHV were used as soil amendment and plant promoter, respectively. The efficiency was carried out thorough pot experiment. The ratio of RHB in soil was 0 % at Control; 2, 4 and 6 % at B2, B4 and B6, respectively. RHV was spraying on above-ground part of the crop by non-use at Control, once at V1, twice at V2 and three times at V3. The analysis method for both RHB and RHV experiment was: 1. Plant biomass amount, 2. Plant nutrition and 3. Sensory test. Soil property was studied for RHB experiment.

In plant biomass amount, the application of RHB revealed a significant effect but RHV on showed effect on some analysis items. In both RHB and RHV experiment, nitrite and vitamin C content was not detected in plant nutrition. Dietary fiber didn’t reveal a significant difference with the application of RHB and RHV. Both RHB and RHV could decrease nitrate content which has become an important quality indicator due to the toxicity to human health. In sensory test, there was no significant relationship between Control and the application of RHB and RHV in sensory test either fresh or cooked. RHB revealed a significant effect on soil physical properties. But there was no significant relationship between RHB application ratio and element content in soil. The above results showed RHB as a soil amendment can promote plant growth, decrease nitrate content and change soil physical properties. The application of RHV showed a potential as plant promoter and decrease nitrate content in plant.



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