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リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「The acuminata species-group of Unaspis, with particular reference to the perivulvar disc pores (Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea: Diaspididae)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




The acuminata species-group of Unaspis, with particular reference to the perivulvar disc pores (Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea: Diaspididae)

Takagi, Sadao 北海道大学



In the present study, four species of Unaspis are dealt with: Chionaspis acuminata
Green, 1896, originally described from Pundaluoya, Ceylon, as occurring on Ardisia sp.,
was redescribed and figured by Green (1899) on the basis of the original material and
a further collection made at the same locality from an unidentified shrub. This species
was designated by MacGillivray (1921) for the type-species of his new genus Unaspis.
Since that time, Unaspis acuminata (Green) has been recorded mainly from tropical Asia
and from a broad range of plants. In the present study, samples collected in Nepal, South
India, Malaya, and the Philippines and from diverse plants are identified with Unaspis
acuminata on the basis of Green’s redescription and figure.
At the end of his redescription of C. acuminata, Green (1899) states: ‘A form
collected at Kandy [in Ceylon] has the female puparium dark chocolate brown [while in
C. acuminata ‘Colour pale brownish fulvous, sometimes dark brown’]. The median lobes
of pygidium are rather smaller and shorter than in typical examples, and more distinctly
serrate on their free edge.’ This form was called C. acuminata atricolor by Ayyar, and
later described by Green (1922) under this name (which is, therefore, attributable to the
latter author) on the basis of material collected at Maha Illuppalama, Kandy, on Carrisa
sp. and recorded from South India on Carrisa, Tamarindus, and Ficus. Rao (1949)
described this form as a distinct species, ‘U. atricolor (Green)’. I have found this species
in my collection from South India.
Another form, which is very close to U. atricolor but apparently different from
the latter, occurs in Sabah (northeastern Borneo) and is described in this paper as a new
species, U. pallidicolor.
Unaspis turpiniae, originally ‘U. acuminata Green var. turpiniae’ (Takahashi, 1934),
was described from material collectred at ‘Kahodai near Hassenzan’ [these locality
names correspond to 佳保台 , 972m, and 八仙山 , with the summit 2366m; the altitude
of the collection spot was not mentioned, but the spot should have been in montane
conditions around an altitude of 1000m], Formosa [Taiwan], as occurring on Turpinia
formosana. This scale insect has also been recorded from southern Japan on Turpinia
These four species are very similar to each other in the characters of the adult
females. They agree particularly in having the perivulvar disc pores occurring with a
considerable concentration in the numerical pattern 4(6-6)(4-4)=24, called in this paper
‘the acuminata-formula’. This pattern of arrangement of perivulvar disc pores may occur
in other parts of the genus, too. The matter here concerns the outstanding frequency of
this formula in contrast with those of the other arrangements in the same samples (see
section IIa).
Probably all of these species are ovoviviparous, so that their perivulvar disc pores
should have no function (in this connection, see Takagi, 2022), and the persistent
occurrence of this organ with a concentration in a definite pattern, thus affording a static
trait, may need an explanation.
Abbreviations. In descriptions, explanations of figures, tabular indications, etc., the
abbreviations ‘prth’, ‘msth’, ‘mtth’ are used for the pro-, meso-, and metathorax, and ‘abd
I~VIII’ for the first to eighth abdominal segments.
Depository of the type-slide. ...



Ferris, G.F., 1936. Contributions to the knowledge of the Coccoidea (Homoptera) II.

Microentomology 1(2): 17-92, Fig. 11-74.

Green, E.E., 1899. Coccidae of Ceylon II. Dulau, London. 168pp., Pl. XXXI-LX.

Green, E.E., 1922. Supplimentary notes on the Coccidae of Ceylon, IV. Journal of the

Bombay Natural History Society 28: 1007-1037.

MacGillivray, A.D., 1921. The Coccidae. Scarab, Urbana. 502pp.

Rao, V.P., 1949. The genus Unaspis MacGillivray (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Diapididae).

Microentomolgy 14 (2): 59–72, Fig. 59-42.

Takagi, S., 2022. Another mode of life in armoured scale insects (Sternorrhyncha:

Coccoidea: Diaspididiae). Insecta Matsumurana New Series 78: 27-56, Fig. 1-15.

Takahashi, R., 1934. Observations on the Coccidae of Formosa Part IV. Department of

Agriculture, Government Research Institute, Formosa, Japan, Report No. 63: 1-37.

Tang, F-t. 1986. The scale insects of horticulture and forest of China III. Shanxi

Agricultural University.


Takagi, S., 2022. Another mode of life in armoured scale insects (Sternorrhyncha:

Coccoidea: Diaspididae). Ins. matsum. n.s. 78: 27-56. Caption under Fig. 15, p. 56.

INCORRECT. ‘Appendix II. Matsuda (1927) on test construction’.


‘Appendix II: Matsuda (1927) on test construction’.






Fig. 1. Unaspis acuminata (Green), adult female, teneral. Sample NPL-1. Chisopani, 2330m,

on Euonymus echinatus. A, body. B-D, antenna, examples. E, anterior spiracle. F, pygidial

margin. G, lateral lobes of msth (part), mtth, abd I-III, ventral. H, dorsal macroducts on

pygidium. Scale bars, 10μm for B-F; 100μm for A; 100μm* for G, H.


Fig. 2. Unaspis acuminta (Green), adult female, teneral. Sample NPL-14. Nawal Parasi, 60m,

on Reissentia arborea. A, body. B-E, antenna, examples. F, anterior spiracle. G, pygidial

margin. H, lateral lobes of msth (part), mtth, abd I-III, ventral. I, perivulvar disc pores in the

acuminata-formula. J, submedian and submarginal dorsal macroducts on abd IV and V. K,

dorsal macroducts on pygidium. Scale bars, 10μm for B-G, 100μm for A, 100μm* for H-K.


Fig. 3. Unaspis acuminata (Green), adult female, teneral. Sample IND-7. Trivandrum. A, body.

B, C, antenna, examples. D, anterior spiracle. E, pygidial margin. F, lateral lobes of msth

and mtth, ventral. G, lateral lobes of abd I-III, ventral. H, submedian and submarginal dorsal

macroducts on abd IV and V. I, dorsal macroducts on pygidium. Scale bars, 10μm for B-E,

100μm for A, 100μm* for F-I.


Fig. 4. Unaspis acuminata (Green), adult female, teneral. Sample MLY-2. Beserah Forest Reserve,

Kuantan, on Salacia macrophylla. A, body. B, antenna. C, anterior spiracle. D, pygidial

margin. E, lateral lobes of msth (part), mtth, and abd I, ventral. F, lateral lobe of abd III,

ventral. G, dorsal macroducts on abd IV and V. Scale bars, 10μm for B-G, 100μm for A.


Fig. 5. Unaspis acuminata (Green), adult female, teneral. Sample PLP-4. Pagbilao, Quezon, on

Siphonodon pyriformis. A, body. B, C, antenna, examples. D. anterior spiracle. E, pygidial

margin. F, lateral lobes of msth (part), mtth, and abd I, ventral. G, lateral lobe of abd III,

ventral. Scale bars, 10μm, for B-E, 10μm* for F-G, 100μm for A.


Fig. 6. Unaspis atricolor (Green), adult female, teneral. Coimbatore, on Tamarindus indica. A,

body. B-F, antenna, examples. G, anterior spiracle. H, pygidial margin. I, lateral lobes of

msth (part), mtth, and abd 1 and 2, ventral. J, dorsal macroducts on abd IV and V. K, dorsal

macroducts, submarginal on abd V. L, dorsal macroducts on pygidium. Scale bars, 10μm for

B-L, 100μm for A.


Fig. 7. Unaspis pallidicolor, n.sp., adult female, teneral. Sepilok, Sandakan. A, body. B, C,

antenna, examples. D, pygidial magin. E, lateral lobes of msth (part), mtth, and abd I and II. F.

dorsal macroducts on abd IV and V. Scale bars, 10μm for B-F, 100μm for A.


Fig. 8. Unaspis turpiniae Takahashi, adult female, teneral. Siro-Yama, Kagosima, on Turpinia

ternata. A, Body. B, C, antenna, examples. D, mtth, ventral surface, lateral lobe. E, abd III

and pygidium, ventral surface, margin. F, dorsal macroducts on pygidium. Scale bars, 10μm

for B-F, 100μm for A.


Fig. 9. Unaspis acuminata (Green), second-instar male. Sample MLY-2. Beserah Forest Reserve,

Kuantan, on Salacia macrophylla. A, body. B, C, antenna, examples. D, trullae. E, fimbriate

processes. Scale bars, 10μm for B-D. 10 μm* for E, 100μm for A.


Fig. 10. Unaspis atricolor (Green), second-instar male. Coimbatore, on Tamarindus indica. A,

body. B, C, antenna, examples. D, Body margin. Scale bars, 10μm for D, 10μm* for B, C,

100μm for A.


Fig. 11. Unaspis pallidicolor, n.sp., second-instar male. Sepilok, Sandakan. A, body. B, antenna. C,

abdominal margin, ventral. Scale bars, 10μm for C, 10μm* for B, 100μm for A.





