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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「高度好熱性真正細菌Thermotoga maritimaの複製起点における開始複合体の形成メカニズムと開裂部位の特性の解析」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




高度好熱性真正細菌Thermotoga maritimaの複製起点における開始複合体の形成メカニズムと開裂部位の特性の解析

盧, 楚元 LU, CHUYUAN ロ, ソゲン 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Analyses for mechanisms in formation of the
replication initiation complex and for
functional characteristics of the DNA unwinding
region at the replication origin of
hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima
盧, 楚元

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2023, 博士(創薬科学), 課程博士





Analyses for mechanisms in formation of the replication initiation complex and for functional
characteristics of the DNA unwinding region at the replication origin of
hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima

(高度好熱性真正細菌 Thermotoga maritima の複製起点に


Chromosomal DNA replication is a central process in all cellular organisms. To initiate DNA
replication, a specific nucleoprotein complex called the initiation complex is constructed at the
origin of replication, promoting recruitment of the replisome components, DNA helicase, primase,
DNA polymerase, etc.. If the regulation of replication initiation is disturbed, it can lead to various
cellular abnormalities, including abnormal chromosomes, inhibition of cell division, and the
proliferation of abnormal cells. To avoid these problems, the processes of the initiation complex
formation are highly organized in order to ensure the replication of chromosomal DNA to occur
only once at a specific time during the cell cycle progression. Thus, the study addressing the
common principles underlying initiation complexes plays a fundamental role in the fields of
pharmaceutical biochemistry and molecular biology.
In well-characterized Escherichia coli, the main components of the initiation complex are the
replication origin oriC, the initiator protein DnaA and the DNA bending protein IHF. In most
eubacteria, the oriC contains the DNA unwinding element (DUE) and DnaA oligomerization
region (DOR) bearing multiple DnaA box sequences to which the initiator protein DnaA binds
specifically. DnaA is ubiquitous in eubacterial domain and the canonical DnaA box consists of an
asymmetric 9-mer consensus sequence, TTA[T/A]NCACA. DnaA consists of four domains and the
C-terminal domain IV binds to the DnaA box sequence specifically. The central DnaA domain III
containing AAA+ (ATPases associated with various cellular activities) motifs, promoting
head-to-tail oligomerization, which underlies the formation of an initiation complex by the ATP
form of DnaA (ATP-DnaA). Domains III and IV are connected by a short linker. Domain I contains
a specific binding stie for helicase and domain II is a flexible linker. In Escherichia coli oriC, the
head-to-tail ATP-DnaA oligomers constructed on the IHF-bound DOR promote unwinding of DUE
and concomitantly bind the single-stranded DUE to stabilize the unwound form, enabling loading

of helicases to the single-stranded region. Despite the significant sequence homologies among
DnaA proteins, bacterial oriC sequences are highly diverse. In particular, the number of DnaA
boxes and their spatial arrangements are differentiated substantially among bacterial oriCs.
Moreover, the functional motifs within bacterial DUEs have been insufficiently determined due to
the lack of in-depth characterization using in vitro reconstituted systems.
In order to elucidate the basic mechanisms underlying DNA unwinding at DUE and the
mechanistic mode of DnaA oligomerization at the origin of replication, I focused on the
hyperthermophilic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima as a model organism. T. maritima is
placed at a deep branch in the evolutional tree of life. The 149-bp minimal oriC (tma-oriC) region
of this bacterium, which contains a 24-bp AT-rich DUE (tmaDUE) and a flanking DOR (tmaDOR)
with five tmaDnaA boxes, is required for open complex formation by the cognate DnaA initiator
(tmaDnaA). However, the unwinding motifs within tmaDUE and the mode of tmaDnaA
oligomerization remained poorly characterized.
In this study, I first investigated the tmaDUE sequence motifs crucial for open complex
formation. Using the electron mobility shift assays in combination with mutant tmaDUE
analyses, I found that tmaDUE was comprised of two distinct functional modules, an unwinding
module and a tmaDnaA-binding module. Three direct repeats of the trinucleotide TAG within

tmaDUE were essential for both unwinding and single-stranded tmaDUE binding by tmaDnaA
complexes constructed on the DnaA boxes. Its surrounding AT-rich sequences stimulated only
duplex unwinding.
Moreover, I show biochemical evidence that head-to-tail oligomers of ATP-bound tmaDnaA
were constructed within tma-oriC, irrespective of the directions of the tmaDnaA boxes. This
binding mode was considered to be induced by flexible swiveling of DnaA domains III and IV,
which were responsible for DnaA-DnaA interactions and DnaA box binding, respectively. The
flexible nature of the linker between tmaDnaA domains III and IV would allow considerable
swiveling of the domains. Phasing of specific tmaDnaA boxes in tma-oriC DNA was also
responsible for unwinding. These findings indicate that a single-stranded DUE recruitment
mechanism was responsible for unwinding and would enhance understanding of the fundamental
molecular nature of the origin sequences present in evolutionarily divergent bacteria, including
numerous pathogenic bacteria. Consequently, this research has the potential to contribute to the
development of innovative antibiotics against pathogenic bacteria in the future.



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Publication list

Lu, C., Yoshida, R., Katayama, T., & Ozaki, S. (2023). Thermotoga maritima oriC

involves a DNA unwinding element with distinct modules and a DnaA-oligomerizing

region with a novel directional binding mode. J. Biol. Chem., 104888. In Press.



This study was performed in the laboratory of Molecular Biology under supervision

of Assoc. Prof. Shogo Ozaki and Prof. Tsutomu Katayama. I thank Kenya, M., Ryusei,

Y. and Yasutaka, W. for their valid suggestions in this study.





