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Development of High-efficient Illuminated Bio-zeolite Fixed Bed Process for the Anaerobic Digestion of Ammonia-rich Waste

ZHENG, HANYING 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/00162548



Anaerobic digestion (AD) of livestock waste is an attractive practice as it can solve the problem of waste contamination and produce renewable energy. However, the ammonia which is rich in livestock waste or produced as a metabolic end product during the biodegradation of high nitrogenous compounds, is toxic to methanogens and often causes failure of the whole biological process at high concentration. Several methods, such as ammonia stripping, struvite precipitation or adding ammonia adsorption material, have been developed to alleviate ammonia inhibition. However, all these methods have pose certain limitations like energy intensity and large effluent discharge that are challenging for their practical application. Bedding material fixed-bed reactor by adding absorbent to immobilize microorganism of bioreactor in ammonium rich waste anaerobic digestion can be used to minimize these limitations. Zeolite, could adsorb ammonia and dissociate trace elements like Ca2+ and Mg2+ (via ion-exchange), provide microbes favorable environment for growth. Anaerobes immobilize on bed materials could create a high cell density and activity for resistance of high ammonia environment. Nevertheless, there is few research investigated the combination effects of suitable bed material and zeolite to mitigate ammonia inhibition in AD process. Meanwhile, zeolite contains trace amount of metal cations showed limited ion-exchange capacity with low ammonium adsorption ability. Modification works on zeolite designed specifically for the high ammonium adsorption capacity and nutritional cations supplement are required. Furthermore, it has been found that intermittent illumination could relieve ammonium inhibition and enhance methane production. Therefore, a novel bioprocess incorporated optimal bed material fixed modified-zeolite bioreactor with intermittent illumination was developed for alleviating ammonia inhibition to improve the efficiency of ammonium-rich AD.

Firstly, to find the optimal bed material, three typical polymer materials including polymer foaming sponge (PFS), chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) and porous nylon (PN) were investigated. The zeolite fixed bed bioreactors were constructed by suspending these three bedding materials fixed zeolite in the anaerobic digester, respectively. Series batch experiments were operated under ammonium-rich condition (NH4+-N: 7,511 mg/L). The CPE fixed zeolite bioreactor showed the shortest start-up period (2 days) and the highest methane production (about 96 times higher than that of the control) after 30 days operation. Then the CPE fixed zeolite bioreactor was applied in the long-term semi-continuous ammonium-rich. Higher and stable methane concentration and yield during 100 days semi-continuous AD clearly indicated the long-term practical effectiveness of the CPE fixed zeolite bioreactor. Synergy of ammonia adsorption and microorganism immobilization by CPE fixed zeolite contributed to the enhanced anaerobic digestion efficiency. The developed CPE fixed zeolite bioreactor was suggested to be a favorable system for improving the anaerobic digestion efficiency of ammonium-rich livestock wastes.

After that, zeolite optimization was conducted. Oyster shell with high CaCO3 content has high ammonium exchange ability, and lignite contains abundant mineral elements could be a good source for cations supplement. Thus, oyster shell and lignite were used as modification material to improving cations content and ammonia adsorption ability of zeolite. Additionally, intermittent illumination strategy have been further adopted for developing the high-efficient bioprocess. SEM morphology shows newly synthesized oyster shell and lignite modified zeolite (OLMZ) had porous structure and rough surface, with increased BET surface area compared to raw zeolite (UMZ). After modifying by oyster shell and lignite, metal cations content in newly synthesized OLMZ increased obviously and ammonia adsorption capability of OLMZ was improved by 1.3 folds compared with UMZ. Adsorption kinetics and isotherm results verified ammonia adsorption on OLMZ was dominated by ion exchange with high affinity for ammonia uptake. The results suggested that OLMZ is a much more excellent adsorbent than UMZ on ammonia uptake. As for the AD, the illuminated OLMZ fixed bioreactor process (OLMZ-I) resulted in the highest methane yield of 372 ± 13 mL/g-DOCremoved, which showed 300% increase compare to the control (124 ± 12 mL/g-DOCremoved). Correspondingly, metal cations supplement and light stimulation in OLMZ-I showed increased ATP and coenzyme F420, implying high activation of methanogens leading to improved CH4 production. The large biomass quantity immobilized (Biomass and SEM observation) in the OLMZ-I further supported the enhanced performance of the reactor. Meanwhile, the conductance of sludge in OLMZ-I increased about 3 folds compared to the control, reflecting the electrical communication between anaerobes was strengthened. The synergetic effects of ammonia removal, microbes immobilization, metal cations supplement and accelerated electrical communication between methanogenic system combined with light stimulation on methanogen activation facilitated the great enhancement of methanogenesis. Therefore, the illuminated OLMZ fixed bioprocess shows great potential in practical application for high-efficient bioconversion of ammonium-rich livestock waste.



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