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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「A Theoretical Study on the Mechanism for the Reduction of Effective g-factor in Graphene」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




A Theoretical Study on the Mechanism for the Reduction of Effective g-factor in Graphene

Shrestha Amit 広島大学



Graphene is two-dimensional layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, a
thinnest material at one atom thick, and also incredibly strong. Graphene is a remarkable material that is getting a lot of attention and rapidly rising on the horizon of material science and condensed matter physics due to its unusual properties in a magnetic
field [1–30]. Such a astonishing properties are strong orbital diamagnetism [1–13], unconventional oscillation of magnetization [14–16], and half integer quantum Hall effect
[17–27, 30]. Graphene represents a conceptually new class of materials that offers new
inroads into low-dimensional physics which provide a fertile ground for many applications
such as electronic and spintronic devices [28–37].
Few years back, our group has developed the magnetic field containing relativistic tightbinding approximation (MFRTB) method [38] which allows us to calculate the electronic
structure of materials taking effects of magnetic field, periodic potential and relativistic
effects such as the spin-orbit (SO) interaction into consideration. With MFRTB method,
we can revisit the several phenomenon like dHvA oscillation [39–41], magnetic breakdown
[41] and can also predict additional oscillation peaks of the magnetization [40] which the
conventional LK formula [42] can’t explain. In this method the effect of magnetic field
is taken as the perturbation and the hopping integrals are evaluated using perturbation
theory [38]. The effect of magnetic field is appeared in so-called Peierls phase factor which
multiplies the hopping integral in the absence of a magnetic field giving the approximated
form of magnetic hopping integral [38]. However, there are some rooms to increase the
accuracy of the magnetic hopping integrals. In order to address this discrepancy, our
group also developed the nonperturbative MFRTB method [43], in which the effect of
magnetic field is incorporated by using the nonperturbative method. With this method,
the approximated form of magnetic hopping integrals that goes beyond the approximation of using the Peierls phase factor [43] are obtained successfully. Thus, this method is
suitable for describing and investigating magnetic properties of graphene.
Among various physical quantities which determine electronic properties, optical properties, chemical properties and thermal conductivity, the g-factor of graphene is the keyquantity on determining magnetic properties of materials like spin-related properties such
as the spin relaxation time. Recently, a reduction in the g-factor of graphene has been
reported in the experiments on electron spin resonance (ESR) [28, 29] when graphene is
subjected to an external magnetic field. The observed g-factor is about 3.1 percent smaller
than that of a free electron (g=2.0023). ...



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(1) Reduction of g-factor due to Rashba effect in graphene. A. Shrestha, K.

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(2) Reduced effective g-factor in graphene. M. Higuchi, D. B. Hamal, A. Shrestha,

and K. Higuchi. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 88, 094707-1–094707-2






