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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「A more accurate analysis of maternal effect genes by siRNA electroporation into mouse oocytes」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




A more accurate analysis of maternal effect genes by siRNA electroporation into mouse oocytes

YAMAMOTO, Takuto HONDA, Shinnosuke IDEGUCHI, Issei SUEMATSU, Motoki IKEDA, Shuntaro MINAMI, Naojiro 京都大学 DOI:10.1262/jrd.2022-122



Maternal RNA and proteins accumulate in mouse oocytes and regulate initial developmental stages. Sperm DNA combines with protamine, which is exchanged after fertilization with maternal histones, including H3.3; however, the effect of H3.3 on development post-fertilization remains unclear. Herein, we established an electroporation method to introduce H3.3 siRNA into germinal vesicle (GV)-stage oocytes without removing cumulus cells. Oocyte-attached cumulus cells need to be removed during the traditional microinjection method; however, we confirmed that artificially removing cumulus cells from oocytes reduced fertilization rates, and oocytes originally free of cumulus cells had reduced developmental competence. On introducing H3.3 siRNA at the GV stage, H3.3 was maintained in the maternal pronucleus and second polar body but not in the paternal pronucleus, resulting in embryonic lethality after fertilization. These findings indicate that H3.3 protein was not incorporated into the paternal pronucleus, as it was repeatedly translated and degraded over a relatively short period. Conversely, H3.3 protein incorporated into the maternal genome in the GV stage escaped degradation and remained in the maternal pronucleus after fertilization. This new method of electroporation into GV-stage oocytes without cumulus cell removal is not skill-intensive and is essential for the accurate analysis of maternal effect genes.



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