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ムルエ ギルメイ ゲブレスラシエ MULUE GIRMAY GEBRESLASIE 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Studies on Selection of Entomopathogenic Fungi
with High Virulence and Field Persistence for
Controlling Common Cutworm, Spodoptera litura
ムルエ ギルメイ ゲブレスラシエ

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2023, 博士(農学), 課程博士


: ムルエ ギルメイ ゲブレスラシエ (Mulue Girmay Gebreslasie)


: Studies on Selection of Entomopathogenic Fungi with High Virulence and
Field Persistence for Controlling Common Cutworm, Spodoptera litura


Thesis Summary
The current research was laboratory and field-based experiments with three genera of
entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria, Metarhizium and Cordyceps of which different geographic
locations and source of isolations. Entomopathogenic fungal strains belonging to those genera are
among the known components of biological weapons in integrated pest management programs.
They are naturally safe and eco-friendly biological agents. Their potential of host specificity and
ease of handling make them options to substitute synthetic pesticides in pest control. The general
outlines of the research was organized in three sections, (1) laboratory based bioassay with 16
entomopathogenic fungal strains against the last instar larvae and pupae of Spodoptera litura, (2)
screening of 32 fungal strains for in vitro heat tolerance at 45oC in 2 h and 4 h exposure period, (3)
field persistence assay of selected fungal strains (5 strains) with variable performance of
thermotolerance under laboratory for field persistence from pot soils and cucumber leaves in hot
and cold season.
The efficiency of fungal stains for controlling agricultural, household, vector insects and dairy
farm pests were proved through various post research studies, However, they are sensitive and
unstable under field condition. Evaluations on its fitness to withstand a given environmental
conditions such as temperature, UV radiations and relative humidity, are important to select strains
with better biocontrol efficacy in fields, because these factors have detrimental effect and restricts
the use of entomopathogenic fungi in field. Hence screening of the fungal strains done to check the
synchrony in potential of fungal strains for in vitro heat tolerance and field persistence. All assayed
fungal strains come up with certain degree of heat tolerance, where significant variation observed
among fungal genera and strains of same species.
Results of in vitro heat tolerance assay clarified that colony forming unit counts of fungal strains
were seen with the potential tolerance ranging from 0–100% and fungal conidia get distorted with
the lengthy periods of heat exposure at the selected temperature level (45oC). The exposure for 4 h
at 45oC referred as lethal death point for B. bassiana OMNS150429-2, B. brongniartii TNO6, C.
fumosorosea BPS2, C. javanica Czy-LP and M. pingshaense MS3. A higher dominance in
thermotolerance was observed with Metarhizium strains in extended heat exposure, while C.
javanica Czy-LP, C. fumosorosea BPS2, B. brongniartii TNO6 and M. pingshaense MS3 remained

highly susceptible.
Obviously, there are several factors affecting persistence potential of entomopathogenic fungal
strains under field conditions like the inherent capacity of the fungal strain, soil type, culture media
and others. However, this study was handled regardless of the biotic factors. It focused only
temperature to define the relationship between in vitro heat tolerance and field persistence. Field
observation demonstrated that the three Metarhizium species, M. pingshaense F2685, M.
pingshaense MS2 and M. brunneum F709 showed significant difference among the assayed strains
with survival of CFUs at 7 days and 28 days post inoculations in both hot and cold season trials.
Whereas strains of B. brongniartii TNO6 and C. javanica Czy-LP were vulnerable under field
condition. It detailed that direct relationship between the two parameters and concluded in vitro heat
assay could be used in selection of field persistent fungal strains for hot season applications.
Laboratory based virulence assessment of 16 fungal strains against lepidopteran pest was
carried out with the reference to insect pest, S. litura. It is one of the devastating pests worldwide.
Last instar larvae and pupae were used for bioassays at the concentration of 1 x 108 conidia/mL.
Data on mortality, percent of mycotized larvae and pupae, and adult emergence were recorded.
Fungal strains exhibited varying levels of virulence regarding the treated life stages of the target
pest with up to 100% mortality at 10 days post inoculations. Strains of M. rileyi Nr4, M. pingshaense
MS1, M. brunneum ARSEF 3294 and M. pingshaense ARSEF 8736 with the uppermost average
mortality for last instar larvae, however, their virulence against the pupae was comparatively lower.
The higher pupal susceptibility was observed with the strains of B. brongniartii TNO6, C. javanica
Czy-LP, M. brunneum F709, and M. pingshaense MS2. Those strains scored virulence ≥90% to
pupae and ≥85% to last instar larvae and seem composite strains and could be intensively
investigated and developed as potential mycopesticides in integrated pest management programs
against S. litura. In addition, the reference/commercial B. bassiana GHA accounted among the
least efficient strains during the lab bioassays.



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