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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Fertilization controls tiller numbers via transcriptional regulation of a MAX1-like gene in rice cultivation」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Fertilization controls tiller numbers via transcriptional regulation of a MAX1-like gene in rice cultivation

Cui, Jinying Nishide, Noriko Mashiguchi, Kiyoshi Kuroha, Kana Miya, Masayuki Sugimoto, Kazuhiko Itoh, Jun-Ichi Yamaguchi, Shinjiro Izawa, Takeshi 京都大学 DOI:10.1038/s41467-023-38670-8



Fertilization controls various aspects of cereal growth such as tiller number, leaf size, and panicle size. However, despite such benefits, global chemical fertilizer use must be reduced to achieve sustainable agriculture. Here, based on field transcriptome data from leaf samples collected during rice cultivation, we identify fertilizer responsive genes and focus on Os1900, a gene orthologous to Arabidopsis thaliana MAX1, which is involved in strigolactone biosynthesis. Elaborate genetic and biochemical analyses using CRISPR/Cas9 mutants reveal that Os1900 together with another MAX1-like gene, Os5100, play a critical role in controlling the conversion of carlactone into carlactonoic acid during strigolactone biosynthesis and tillering in rice. Detailed analyses of a series of Os1900 promoter deletion mutations suggest that fertilization controls tiller number in rice through transcriptional regulation of Os1900, and that a few promoter mutations alone can increase tiller numbers and grain yields even under minor-fertilizer conditions, whereas a single defective os1900 mutation does not increase tillers under normal fertilizer condition. Such Os1900 promoter mutations have potential uses in breeding programs for sustainable rice production.



LC-MS/MS analysis of endogenous 4DO, CL, CLA and MeCLA

Rice plants were grown as previously described68, with minor modifications. Eleven-day-old seedlings grown on 0.6% agar media of

hydroponic nutrients under a 16 h light/8 h dark photoperiod were

transferred to glass vials containing 50 mL hydroponic nutrient

solution without inorganic phosphate to activate SL biosynthesis25.

The shoot and root of the 32-day-old seedlings were harvested and

homogenized in 12.5 mL of acetone containing stable isotopelabeled internal standards [[6’-D1]−4DO11, [1-13CH3]-(S)-CL69,

[1-13CH3]-rac-CLA22, [10-D1]-rac-MeCLA22 using POLYTRON PT3100D


The filtrates were evaporated under nitrogen gas until acetone

was almost removed. Then, 1 mL of distilled water and 2 mL of

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We would like to thank Drs. Masaki Endo and Seiichi Toki (National

Agriculture and Food Research Organization) for providing CRISPR/

Cas9 vectors. We also thank Dr. Kenichiro Hibara (currently, Kibi International University) for teaching some key protocols to J. Cui at the

beginning in this study and Dr. Mingchao Wang (Dresden University of

Technology) for proofreading some languages. We are grateful to the

System for Development and Assessment of Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH, Kyoto University) for providing a greenhouse to KM and

SY. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI under grant number

Nature Communications | (2023)14:3191


JP17H06246 (to T.I.), JP22H05180 (to T.I.), JP22H0517222 (to T.I.),

JP22H00367 (to T.I.), JP19H02892 (to K.M.), JP17H06474 (to S.Y.), by the

Human Frontier Science Program Organization under grant number

RGP0011/2019 (to T.I.), and by Cabinet Office, Government of Japan,

Cross-ministerial Moonshot Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research

and Development Program, “Technologies for Smart Bio-industry and

Agriculture”(funding agency: Bio-oriented Technology Research

Advancement Institution) (JPJ009237 to T.I.). the Collaborative Research

Program of Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (grant #

2020-92) (to T.I., K.M., and S.Y.)

Author contributions

T.I. conceived the original idea on this work, organized all the experiments and mainly revised the manuscript. T.I. and N.N. performed the

field transcriptome analysis. With substantial support by K.K. and K.S.,

N.N. made the os1900 & os5100 and os900 & os1400 double mutants

and check the tiller number phenotypes firstly. K.M. and S.Y. performed

SL analysis and GR24 application assay. M.M. and J.I. performed in situ

hybridization analysis and RNA-seq analysis. J.C. performed all of the

rest experiments including related to genotyping and phenotyping of all

mutants, the entire experiments on the promoter deletion mutant analysis and wrote the original manuscript. All the authors revised the


Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

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Takeshi Izawa.

Peer review information Nature Communications thanks Bing Wang and

the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer

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