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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「A Dendritic Neuron Model with Adaptive Synapses Trained by Differential Evolution Algorithm」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




A Dendritic Neuron Model with Adaptive Synapses Trained by Differential Evolution Algorithm

王 喆 富山大学



The human brain consists of billions of neurons, and a single neuron cell 1s constituted by a cell body, an axon, a cell membrane and a dendrite. Dendrites occupy more than 90 percent of the nerve cell organization and have a pivotal role in a human's learning process. The first artificial neuron was originally proposed by MuCulloch and Pitts in 1943. This model is an abstract and simplified model that was constructed according to the structure and working principle of a biological neuron membrane based on mathematics and algorithms called threshold logic.

However, researchers have argued that the use of McCulloch and Pitts's neuron is inadvisable because it disregards the dendritic structure in a real biology neuron. In recent years, several dendritic computing models considering the functions of dendrites in a neuron have been proposed in the literature. A dendritic neuron model (DNM) with nonlinear synapses has been proposed. Different from DMNN, DNM only considers a single neuron rather than the network of a couple of neurons, and has shown great information processing capacity

In this study, we use a dendritic neuron model with adaptive synapses (DMAS). Recent advances in neurobiology have highlighted the importance of dendritic calculation. In 2019, Beaulieu-Laroche and his team discovered that dendrites are always active when the cell body of a neuron is active, which implies that the dendritic synapse has a role in the neural computing process. Based on this biophysical hypothesis, we develop a synaptic adaptable neuron network without parameters that need to be artificially adjusted. All synaptic layer parameters will be trained by the learning algorithm. The effectiveness of adaptive synapses will be proved. Thus, we have to consider additional aspects in the choice of learning algorithms.

Five realistic classifications problems are considered in our research to validate our model (DE-DMAS): Iris, BUPA liver disorders, breast cancer, glass, and Australian credit approval (ACA). All the datasets is preprocessed as binary-classification problem. These five dataset have undergone preprocessing, including outlier repair to fill in missing values. We compare the experimental results of DE-DMAS, BP-DNM and BPNN for these five datasets. Experimental results show that DMAS outperforms its peers in terms of test accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and cross-validation.


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