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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Dmrt genes participate in the development of Cajal-Retzius cells derived from the cortical hem in the telencephalon.」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Dmrt genes participate in the development of Cajal-Retzius cells derived from the cortical hem in the telencephalon.

Takako Kikkawa Nobuyuki Sakayori Hayato Yuuki Yu Katsuyama Fumio Matsuzaki Daijiro Konno Takaya Abe Hiroshi Kiyonari Noriko Osumi 東北大学 DOI:10.1002/dvdy.156



Background: During development, Cajal-Retzius (CR) cells are the first generated and essential pioneering neurons that control neuronal migration and arealization in the mammalian cortex. CR cells are derived from specific regions within the telencephalon, i.e., the pallial septum (PS) in the rostromedial cortex, the pallial-subpallial boundary (PSB), and the cortical hem (CH) in the caudomedial cortex. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the generation of CR cell subtypes in distinct regions of origin is poorly understood.

Results: We found that double-sex and mab-3 related transcription factor (Dmrt) genes, i.e., Dmrta1 and Dmrt3, were expressed in the progenitor domains that produce CR cells. The number of CH-derived CR cells was severely decreased in Dmrt3 mutants, especially in Dmrta1 and Dmrt3 double mutants. The reduced production of the CR cells was consistent with the developmental impairment of the CH structures in the medial telencephalon from which the CR cells are produced.

Conclusion: Dmrta1 and Dmrt3 cooperatively regulate patterning of the CH structure and production of the CR cells from the CH during cortical development.


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