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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Artificial Visual System for Orientation Detection」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Artificial Visual System for Orientation Detection

叶 嘉蓁 富山大学



The human visual system is one of the most important component of the nervous system that provides visual perception to person. The research on orientation detection which neurons of the visual cortex response only to a line stimulus in a particular orientation is an important driving force of computer vision and biological vision. However, the prin- ciple of orientation detection remains a mystery. In this paper, we first propose a new orientation detection mechanism based on local orientation detective neurons’ dendritic computation. We assume that there be orientation detective neurons which response only to a particular orientation locally and these neurons detect local orientation infor- mation based on nonlinear interactions took place on the dendrites. Then, we propose an implementation of such local orientation detective neurons with dendritic neurons, use them to extract the local orientation information, and infer the global orientation infor- mation from these local orientation information. Based on the mechanism, we propose an Artificial Visual System (AVS) for orientation detection and other visual information processing. In order to prove the effectiveness of our mechanism and the Artificial Vis- ual System (AVS), we conduct a series of experiments which include objects with vari- ous sizes, shapes and positions. Computer simulation shows that the mechanism can perfectly perform orientation detection independent on their sizes, shapes and positions in all experiments. The experimental results are consistent well with the results of most known physiological experiments. Furthermore, we compare the performance of both Artificial Visual System (AVS) and Convolution Neural Network (CNN) on orientation detection and find that Artificial Visual System (AVS) completely beat Convolution Neural Network (CNN) on orientation detection in identification accuracy, noise re- sistance, computation and learning cost, hardware implementation and reasonability.

Secondly, based on the mechanism mentioned above, we use a single-layer McCulloch- Pitts neurons to realize such local orientation-sensitive neurons and show that such a single-layer perceptron artificial visual system (AVS) is capable of detecting global ori- entation by taking the orientation with the largest number of activations of the orienta- tion-selective neurons as the global orientation. We perform computer simulations on this single-layer perceptron AVS, and simulation results show that this single-layer per- ceptron AVS works perfectly for global orientation detection, which is consistent with most of physiological experiments and models. Furthermore, in order to show the supe- riority of the single-layer perceptron AVS, we compare the performance of the single- layer perceptron AVS with traditional convolutional neural network (CNN) on orienta- tion detection tasks and find that the single-layer perceptron AVS completely beats CNN in all aspects including identification accuracy, noise resistance, computational and learning cost, hardware implementation reasonability and bio-soundness.

Finally, as an important category of computational intelligence, meta-heuristic algo- rithms have always been a popular research interests over recent two decades. Teach- ing-learning- based optimization (TLBO) is one of nature-inspired meta-heuristic algo- rithm which is proven to have effectiveness and efficiency in solving complex optimiza- tion problems. Although TLBO has remarkable capacity to solve different optimization problems, but the issue of trapping into local optimal is a common drawback of meta- heuristic algorithm, and TLBO is no exception. Thus we use a novel search strategy to improve the performance of TLBO by means of a new selection operation. We select twenty-nine benchmark functions of IEEE CEC2017 to testify the performance of pro- posed algorithm in terms of effectiveness and robustness. Experimental results exhibit that the proposed algorithm outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms.



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