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王, 雲飛 WANG, YUNFEI ワン, ユンフェイ 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Hot spot formation induced by RF heating in
tokamak plasmas
王, 雲飛

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2023, 博士(理学), 課程博士

(様式3)Form 3

名 :王 雲飛


論 文 名 :Hot spot formation induced by RF heating in tokamak plasmas


分 :甲


論 文 内 容 の 要 旨
Thesis Summary
Magnetic confinement fusion research is entering a new era, with increasing attention being paid
to high-parameter long-pulse plasma operation with high injection power, in order to meet the
operation requirements of future fusion power plants. The study of power balance plays an important
role in achieving the desired objectives, and the breaking of power balance is one of the significant
reasons for the long-pulse discharge termination. Hot spot is one of the manifestations of excessive
local heat load on plasma facing components (PFCs) and can interact strongly with PFCs materials,
leading to impurity sputtering. The transport of impurities into the main plasma will break the power
balance and cause the discharge termination. Additionally, hot spot can cause melting of the PFCs
materials, which will threaten the safe operation of the device. Therefore, the study of the formation
mechanisms of hot spot is critical for the safe operation of both present and future fusion devices. Hot
spots have been observed during radiofrequency (RF) wave injection on many devices, and the
mechanisms of their formation have been investigated. The hot spot in Q-shu University Experiments
with Steady-State Spherical Tokamak (QUEST) was caused by the poloidal orbit deviation of the
energetic electrons accelerated by electron cyclotron wave (ECW).
In this thesis, a new relativistic guiding center orbit code (RGCO) was thus developed as a
powerful tool to explore relevant physics topics. The hot spot on the lower divertor in Experimental
Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) has been observed when lower hybrid wave (LHW)
injection. This thesis systematically studies the formation mechanism and energy source of hot spots
in EAST by the combination of experiment data and code simulations. It is found that the scrape-off
layer (SOL) magnetic topology plays an important role in the hot spot formation, and the energy
deposition in the SOL through LHW collision damping is one of the important energy sources of hot
spot formation. Notably, these findings provide a solution for hot spot mitigation, contributing to the
achievement of 101.2 s long-pulse H-mode discharge in EAST. This research will also help to
accumulate experience for the safe plasma operation of future fusion power plants under long
duration and high performance.
This thesis consists of the following chapters:
In Chapter 1, the background of this thesis is presented. The study of hot spot formation induced
by RF heating in EAST and other magnetic confinement plasma devices is of great importance
because hot spot formation on the PFCs could lead to the break of power balance during plasma
operation, and to the termination of long-pulse discharges, which is not beneficial to the achievement
of fusion goals. To better conduct this study, the magnetic confinement principle and magnetic
configuration of the tokamak plasma are introduced. Additionally, a summary review of hot spot study
in other devices is presented, as a cornerstone of this doctoral research.
In Chapter 2, the relativistic guiding center orbit code (RGCO) is introduced, with ripple magnetic

field as a perturbation magnetic field also incorporated into the program. The actual geometry of
PFCs in the device was also taken into consideration in the program, allowing for realistic electron
orbit simulations for the study of energetic electron confinement and loss. Based on experimental data,
the energetic electron orbit simulations conducted by RGCO reveal the fact that, the energetic
electrons can be confined both inside and outside of the last closed flux surface (LCFS). Notably, at the
outside of the LCFS and within a certain range of pitch angles, the electrons will move along the
magnetic field lines (MFLs) and reach directly to the upper and lower divertors. These parts of
energetic electrons may contribute to the hot spot formation in QUEST.
In Chapter 3, the main diagnostics systems used for measuring the heat load on PFCs of EAST
are introduced. The heat load distribution between different PFCs during EAST discharges was
analyzed through the calorimetric measurement, and the water-cooling performance of the main
PFCs in EAST was evaluated. The results demonstrate that these PFCs exhibit excellent
water-cooling capacity and are suitable for future plasma operation in EAST with higher parameter
and longer duration.
In Chapter 4, the impact of magnetic configuration in the SOL on the hot spot formation is
researched. The reason of hot spot formation on the lower divertor of EAST during upper single null
(USN) discharges is investigated, and it is found that the slight change of the SOL magnetic
configuration can cause hot spot formation. This phenomenon is further explained intuitively through
the MFLs tracking in the SOL. Meanwhile, combined with calorimetric measurement, it is discovered
that the hot spot formation on the lower divertor is accompanied by a great variations of energy load
distribution among different plasma facing components. These findings are confirmed in subsequent
101.2 s long-pulse H-mode discharge.
In Chapter 5, the experiment about two-frequency power modulation of the LHW has been
performed and detailed researched in order to explore the energy source of the hot spot on the lower
divertor of EAST. This experiment revealed the hot spot generation during low frequency LHW
injection and mitigation during high frequency LHW injection. Theoretical analysis combined with
simulation based on ray-tracing/Fokker–Planck model elucidated that LHW can transfer wave energy
to electrons through collision damping in the SOL, and these electrons can move along open magnetic
field lines in the SOL, then bombard the PFCs and cause hot spot generation. Lower frequency LHW
tends to deposit more energy through collision damping compared to higher frequency LHW. This
result agreed with the experimental observation in EAST.
In Chapter 6, an overall summary and a discussion of the future work are described.






















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