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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「A study of the formation of folding that extend to a 3D morphology in insects」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




A study of the formation of folding that extend to a 3D morphology in insects

足立, 晴彦 大阪大学 DOI:10.18910/88166



Morphogenesis mechanisms are an important issue in the field of developmental biology. In the study of morphogenesis, much research has focused on embryogenesis, which is the process of drastic morphological change from a single cell. On the other hand, morphogenesis after embryonic development is not well understood. Metamorphosis is a characteristic example of drastic morphological changes that occur after embryogenesis. It is important issue to analyze the morphogenesis of metamorphosis in that the size scale is different from embryogenesis. In this study, I focused on the insect especially beetle horn and treehopper, morphogenesis through molting in the post-embryonic development.

Beetle horns are not present in the larvae, but suddenly appear when the beetle molts into a pupa.In a previous study, it was reported that beetle horns exist in a folded state in the head of the final instar larvae just before molting, and that simply physically expanding them would result in the final horn shape. On the other hand, there was no understanding of how the folding formation was controlled. Therefore, in this study, I first analyzed the formation of the horn primordia in the beetle. Analysis of the horn primordia of dachsous (ds) RNAi, which were known to get thicker and shorter horns, revealed that the macro shape of the horn primordia (especially the stalk portion of the mushroom morphology) changed significantly, while the micro furrows remained almost unchanged. Analysis of cell division showed that the anisotropy of cell division was abolished in ds RNAi. This suggests that macroscopic morphology and microscopic wrinkles are independently regulated, and that anisotropy of cell division is involved in macro shape. From the analysis of beetle of different body sizes, it was found that the depth of microscopic wrinkles and surface pattern (direction) did not change with size. Then, I searched for RNAi individuals in which these parameters were changed. As a result, I found that the notch gene and cyclinE gene play important roles in each. In addition, I found that in the control primordia, the frequency of cell division was higher in the areas where concentric folding patterns were expected to form than in other areas. In addition, in notch RNAi, the pattern of cell division was not disrupted, but the overall frequency of division was reduced, as seen in controls. Furthermore, in cyclinE RNAi, the frequency of cell division was reduced compared to controls only in areas where concentric folding patterns were expected to form.

These results indicate that the pattern (direction) and depth of folding of the horn primordia of the beetle are formed by independent mechanisms. It was also suggested that the regulation mechanism could be the control of the overall cell division frequency and the pattern of division frequency.

Next, in order to confirm the hierarchical developmental process observed in beetle horns, which also occurs in the morphogenesis of hemimetabolous insects, helmet structure of the treehoppers, which suddenly appears during molting into an adult, was focused on. Histological analysis using a combination of µCT, SEM, and paraffin sections revealed a continuous process of macro shape and micro furrow formation, suggesting the existence of a universality of morphogenesis process through folding and unfolding.



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