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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「A novel method to demonstrate thrombus formation of the left atrial appendage in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation by cardiac computed tomography」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




A novel method to demonstrate thrombus formation of the left atrial appendage in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation by cardiac computed tomography

田中 基英 近畿大学



Background: Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is currently the gold stan dard t ech niqu e for diagnosing left atrial appen dage (LAA) t hrom bi. Cardiac com puted tom ography (CT) has been expect ed t o becom e an alternative m eth od to TEE; however, a reliable quantitative evalu ation m ethod has n ot been established.

Methods and results: We enrolled 177 patien ts w it h persistent atrial fibrillation w h o u nderw en t bot h cardiac CT an d TEE before cath eter ablation. The patients w ere classified in to two groups according to the TEE results: th e t hrom bus group (13 patients) and non-t hrom bu s group (164 patients). Th e Houn sfield u nit (HU) den sity at the proxim al LAA (LAAp) and distal LAA (LAAd) w as m easured on cardiac CT im ages. The LAAd/LAAp HU ratio and st an dard deviation of HU density (HU-SD) at t he LAAd w ere evalu ated. We created an algorithm by decision tree analysis t o predict LAA th rom bus form ation usin g t he HU ratio and HU-SD. Definite absence of LAA throm bu s (Cat egory-I) w as diagnosed for 139 patien ts by com bining the first and second branch ing of th e decision tree (Category-Ia: HU ratio of 0.26, Category-Ib: HU ratio of<0.26, HD-SD of 26.94). Definit e presen ce of LAA throm bus (Cat egory-Ⅱ) was diagnosed for 3 patien ts using th e third bran ching of the decision tree (Category-Ⅱ: HU ratio of<0.26 and HU-SD of<13.85). Highly possibility of LAA th rom bu s (Category-III), bu t not definite, was diagnosed for the rem aining 35 patien ts; therefore, these patien ts requ ired diagn ostic TEE. The diagnostic accu racy of this algorithm w as 0.95.

Conclusion: We have proposed a reliable algorithm to diagnose LAA throm bus form ation u sing the HU ratio and HU-SD.


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