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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Identification, characterization, and functional analysis of key transcription factors that determine pericycle cell identity in Arabidopsis thaliana」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Identification, characterization, and functional analysis of key transcription factors that determine pericycle cell identity in Arabidopsis thaliana

Zhang, Ye 大阪大学 DOI:10.18910/82026



Root branching contributes to the underground architecture of higher plants, which is crucial for their growth and adaptation to the environment. The lateral root formation of most seed plants is initiated from the pericycle, which is the outmost layer of the stele along the root. Pericycle cells maintain their division potential long after leaving the root apical meristem. Once primed by locally elevated auxin level, certain pericycle cells undergo cell division to form a new lateral root primordium. Exogenous application of auxin can bypass the priming and result in the formation of numerous lateral roots. However, exogenous application of auxin induces cell division only in pericycle cells in the Arabidopsis thaliana root. The molecular basis of the pericycle cell’s competency to undergo auxin-induced cell division is completely unknown. The aim of my study is to identify the key transcription factors that govern pericycle cell identity.
In this study, I screened 38 candidate transcription factor-coding genes with preferential expression in xylem pole pericycle and identified eight genes encoding basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors as the key regulators for pericycle identity. The eight bHLH transcription factor are members of two subgroups of the bHLH superfamily. Based on the subgroups they belong to, I named six genes PERICYCLE FACTOR TYPE-A 1-6 (PFA1 to PFA6) and two genes PERICYCLE FACTOR TYPE-B (PFB1 and PFB2).
Overexpression of PFAs confer the hallmark pericycle characteristics including specific marker-gene expression and auxin-induced cell division, and sextuple loss-of-function mutations in PFA1-6 or the repression of PFAs and PFBs’ target genes result in the loss of pericycle function. The PFAs and PFBs physically interact and are under mutual- and self-regulation forming a positive feedback loop. This study reveals the basis of pericycle’s cell division competency that enables the formation of lateral roots in Arabidopsis thaliana.



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