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A New Immersed Boundary Method for Stable Two-Phase Flow Simulations of a Deforming Droplet

王, 家瑞 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002001892



The cloud microphysical processes are parameterized in a numerical weather pre- diction model by empirical formulae and the accuracy of forecasts is said to be sen- sitive to the microphysics parameterizations to a considerable extent. The empirical formulae to predict the terminal velocity, shape, and collision efficiency of a free-falling water droplet are extensively used in the parameterizations. However, these formulae are determined by experiments which are conducted at room temperature and standard atmospheric pressure or linear theories in an ideal condition. The validity of the param- eterizations is therefore questionable under general conditions. By building a two-phase flow direct numerical simulation (DNS) model of water droplets with deforming inter- face, it is expected that the empirical formulae can be verified systematically and the microphysical processes can be studied in a more efficient way. This work aims to build such a numerical model with the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM).

The IBM is a popular one-fluid Eulerian-Lagrangian model for two-phase flow sim- ulations. In the IBM, an interface is represented by a series of connected Lagrangian markers and an IB forcing term is added to the Navier-Stokes equations to enforce the interfacial boundary condition. Despite great success in simulations of droplets and bubbles in previous works, it suffers from two instability problems when the capillarity is dominant: the spurious parasitic currents and surface fluctuation. These problems need to be solved before it can be applied to the study of microphysical processes.

It is found in this study that the parasitic currents occur because the discrete delta function does not preserve the irrotational property; while the surface fluctuation is due to the discretization error and sensitivity of the direct polynomial fitting to marker locations. To enable stable water droplet simulations by the IBM, a new irrotational spreading operator is proposed to eliminate the parasitic currents and the global B-spline surface reconstruction by least squares is adopted to suppress the surface fluctuation.

The conventional and new IBM are implemented into a finite volume flow solver of two dimensional (2D) or axisymmetric incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The Chorin’s projection method is used in the discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations and the multigrid method is adopted to solve the Poisson’s equation for pressure. Two standard test cases have been conducted and the results show that the new IBM has a proper first-order convergence. The simulations of a free-falling axisymmetric droplet and rising bubble of small density ratio are performed to demonstrate the robustness of the new IBM for different degrees of shape deformation.

The new IBM is applied to simulations of axisymmetric and 2D free-falling rain- drops to investigate the terminal velocity, drag coefficient, and shape under different conditions. The terminal velocity and drag coefficient obtained from the axisymmetric raindrop simulation at standard pressure and temperature fit well with the experimental data. Simulation results of an axisymmetric free-falling raindrop of diameter 0.5 mm at different altitudes assuming the lapse rate of 6.5 °C km−1 show that there is a significant discrepancy between the numerical results and some of the widely used empirical for- mulae. The discrepancy is larger at higher altitudes. A new parameterization with better accuracy for terminal velocity aloft of raindrops with diameter smaller than 0.5 mm is proposed. Further simulations of a 0.5 mm free-falling water droplet (2D and ax- isymmetric) with different surface tension coefficients suggest that the change in the shape and terminal velocity is negligible with respect to aerosols; the surface tension coefficient depends on the concentration and type of aerosols. For a free-falling 2D raindrop, the critical Reynolds number for the onset of vortex shedding motion and drag are investigated for theoretical purpose. Moreover, the motion of two simultaneous 2D free-falling water droplets is simulated to study the performance of the new IBM in the merging process and the collision efficiency.

The last part of this thesis is devoted to the localization of smooth surface recon- struction. Although the global B-spline fitting can be easily applicable to 1D interface, it is complicating to directly extend it to a 2D interface. This restricts the application of the new IBM to only small free-falling raindrop or water droplets with low Reynolds number. A new iterative local planar Bézier reconstruction algorithm is developed to replace the global B-spline fitting to enable a more straightforward extension of the new IBM for three dimensional (3D) simulations. The results of the 2D free-oscillating droplet test case show good agreement with the analytic solution. Together with the new irrotational spreading operator, these new schemes will form the foundation for the development of a general model for 3D droplet simulations in the future.



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