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Study on the increase of nitrous oxide emission in temperate forests accompanied with nitrogen saturation

Fan, Shaoyan 東京農工大学



Nitrous oxide (N2O), the third most important greenhouse gas, is estimated to account for approximately 6% of the radiative forcing of the global climate (IPCC, 2007). Atmospheric N2O concentration has increased nearly linearly by approximately 0.8 ppb yr–1 over the past few decades, from approximately 270 ppb during the pre-industrial era to 327.1±0.1 ppb in 2014 (WMO, 2015). Temperate forests have been identified as a major source of N2O emissions. However, current estimates of N2O emissions from temperate forests vary markedly, from 0.1 to 2.0 Tg N2O-N yr−1 (Brumme et al. 2005; IPCC 2001; Kroeze et al. 1999), which is between 0.6 and 11% of the total global N2O emissions into the atmosphere (Brumme et al., 2005; IPCC, 2001; Kroeze et al., 1999). The major reason for considerable uncertainty in the estimate likely lies in that the impact of nitrogen saturation on N2O has not been reasonably taken into consideration, which should affect significantly the gas emission.

Chronic nitrogen deposition has caused a phenomenon called nitrogen saturation in forest systems globally. Aber et al. (1989) suggested that nitrogen saturation activates soil nitrification in forest systems, which is the main process of N2O production in aerobic condition. Although it is believed that increased nitrogen availability would also increase nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from forest ecosystems, little definite knowledge is available on it.
In this study, a hypothesis was tested that N2O emissions would increase with nitrogen availability associated with the progress of nitrogen saturation. Three-years monitoring of N2O emissions was conducted in a deciduous forested watershed, where nitrogen saturation has been indicated. In addition, a comparative field survey was carried out in nine temperate forest sites in central Japan with different nitrogen statuses.

In the intensively studied forest site showing typical nitrogen saturation, the average annual N2O emissions from the whole watershed were estimated to be 0.88 kg N ha-1 year-1, comparable to the highest level ever observed for temperate forests except for some exceptional high emission sites in Europe. The N2O fluxes showed a typical seasonal emission patterns that were related to soil temperature. A clear positive correlation was found between N2O flux and net nitrification rate in situ for plots with water-filled pore space (WFPS) < 60%, though no correlation for humid spots with WFPS > 60%. The slope of the regression line between N2O flux and net nitrification rate in situ, which corresponds to the ratio of N2O production during nitrification, was 0.66%. Similar value of 0.18~0.3% was also found in the laboratory incubation experiment of forest soil. These values are consistent with the ratio of N2O-N emissions to nitrification of 0.05%–0.15% in a pure culture of Nitrosomonas europaea. The results of the nitrogen-saturated forest Tama suggest that nitrification can be a major process of N2O production in moist temperate forest.

In the comparative field survey, large differences in nitrous oxide emissions were observed in forests with different nitrogen statuses. The highest N2O emission rate was 4.38 g N ha-1 day-1 recorded in Tama (N-saturated site), which was about 2-34 times higher than other gradient sites. Site Kusaki, another nitrogen-saturated forest, came in the second, releasing 2.11 g N ha-1 day-1. The same pattern of difference was found for the stream water NO3- concentration in the watershed, which ranged from 0.14 mg N/L to 1.64 mg N/L. In addition, soil NO3- concentration in Tama was also several times higher than those in the gradient sites. The N2O flux varying from 0.13 to 4.38 g N ha-1 day-1 was almost in proportional to the stream water NO3- concentration in the watershed.

It is concluded from the above results that the N2O emission in temperate forests in central Japan is linearly associated with the magnitude of nitrogen saturation through enhanced nitrification and was in proportion to NO3- production. It would be important to evaluate the global N2O flux of forests from the perspective of nitrogen saturation.



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