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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「On non-semisimple quantum invariants」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




On non-semisimple quantum invariants

Mori, Akihito 東北大学



Inspired by Witten [Wit89] who had given a three-dimensional interpretation of Jones
polynomials, Reshetikhin–Turaev [RT91] constructed topological invariants of three-manifolds.
They defined a modular Hopf algebra and proved that it gives rise to a topological
quantum field theory (TQFT for short) in dimension three, in particular invariants of
three-manifolds. The invariants of three-manifolds are called Witten–Reshetikhin–Turaev
(WRT for short) invariants.
Reshetikhin and Turaev reduced three-manifolds to framed links in S 3 and used representations of small quantum groups at roots of unity U˜q sl2 which are examples of modular
Hopf algebras. That is, the WRT invariant is a weighted sum of the Reshetikhin–Turaev
link invariants F for links coloured by representations of the small quantum group. An
important property of U˜q sl2 is that it has only a finite stock of irreducible representations.
Turaev [Tur92] generalised a modular Hopf algebra to a modular tensor category which is
a semisimple category. A typical example of such a category is the representation category
of U˜q sl2 . The WRT invariant is called a semisimple quantum invariant named after the
semisimplicity of U˜q sl2 .
There are two quantum invariants closely related to WRT invariants. One of these
is a non-semisimple quantum invariant. Costantino–Geer–Patureau-Mirand [CGPM14]
defined a relative G-modular category for a commutative group which is a non-semisimple
ribbon category. An example of such a category is a representation category of the unrolled
quantum group U¯qH sl2 . This quantum group is a version of the small quantum group and
has an infinite stock of irreducible representations. This is one of the differences between
U˜q sl2 and U¯qH sl2 .
A non-semisimple quantum invariant is constructed as a weighted sum of the renormalised Reshetikhin–Turaev link invariants F0 for links coloured by representations
of the unrolled quantum group. Costantino, Geer, and Patureau-Mirand controlled the
infiniteness by degree-1 cohomology classes and constructed invariants of three-manifolds
with cohomology classes. We call the invariant Costantino–Geer–Patureau-Mirand (CGP
for short) invariant. The CGP invariant is more fruitful than WRT invariant. For example, the CGP invariant distinguishes homotopically equivalent three-manifolds that WRT
invariant can not. Moreover the CGP invariant allows a version of the volume conjecture.
This version was proved for an infinite class of links [CGPM14]. It is worthwhile to study
the CGP invariant and the WRT invariant in relation to each other.
In this thesis, we study the following problem: find relations between semisimple and
non-semisimple quantum invariants. This problem leads to revealing differences between
semisimple and non-semisimple theory and positioning the semisimple theory as a part of
the non-semisimple theory. Specifically, we consider the following problems.
(i) Find relations between the Reshetikhin–Turaev link invariant and the re-normalised
link invariant. ...




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