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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Repeatability of phenotypic evolution of tree-like organisms.」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Repeatability of phenotypic evolution of tree-like organisms.

Nonoyama Tomonobu 東北大学



The evolutionary patterns of geological time scale have been studied in order to document the processes underlying the dynamics. A number of studies have examined how adaptation, interaction among lineages, and stochastic process yield temporal and spatial patterns in phenotypic, genetic and taxonomic diversity. However, it still remains unclear how long term evolutionary dynamics of phenotypic diversity are created in ecosystems.
 First, I examine whether evolutionary history is mostly contingent or deterministic has been given much focus in the field of evolutionary biology. In the present study, to incorporate the effects of phenotypic plasticity, we constructed a model using tree-like organisms. In this model, the basic rules used to develop trees are genetically determined, but tree shape (described by the number and aspect ratio of the branches) is determined by both genetic components and plasticity. The results of the simulation show that the tree shapes become more deterministic under higher mutation rates. However, the tree shape became most contingent and diverse at the lower mutation rate. In this situation, the variances of the genetically determinant characters were low, but the variance of the tree shape is rather high, suggesting that phenotypic plasticity results in this contingency and diversity of tree shape. The present findings suggest that plasticity cannot be ignored as a factor that increases contingency and diversity of evolutionary outcomes.
 Second, by using the same model, I examine how patterns of extinction are affected by mutation rates (speciation rate in macro level). The result shows that, in the systems with interaction among individuals, a pattern of extinction similar to “mass extinction” is observed under moderate levels of mutation rates (speciation rates). In addition, extinction rates decrease through time.
 Finally, I examine how phenotypes and their fitness archived after a long time evolution change depending on mutation rates, interactions among individuals and plasticity. The result shows that low level of mutation rates and plasticity promotes adaptation to distinctive environments and creates distinctive morphology.
Discontinuous evolutionary patterns appear through the effects of plasticity. These findings reveal the usefulness of simulation to understand the causes of the patterns of long term evolution. The implication and limitation of the present model and insight obtained are discussed.



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