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リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「トウガラシにおけるBrix と諸形質との関係(英文)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




トウガラシにおけるBrix と諸形質との関係(英文)

Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage Sangeeth Maduranga Bandara RATHNAYAKA 小林, 美嘉 南, 峰夫 根本, 和洋 松島, 憲一 信州大学



The present study was conducted to clarify the relationship between fruit Brix and other chemical components related to taste in chili peppers and to clarify how Brix, which changes in response to environmental stress, is related to other traits such as yield. The experiments were conducted from 2015 to 2019. In experiment 1, 39 varieties of Capsicum annuum were cultivated in 2015 and their pungency and the taste components were evaluated. Relationship of pungency and taste components among varieties were also investigated. In experiment 2, Japanese chili pepper cultivars ‘Manganji’, ‘Fushimiamanaga’ and ‘Botankosho’ were grown under several stress conditions from 2015 to 2019 to determine the relationships of pungency and the taste components in each individual variety. In experiment 3, we observed the effect of stress conditions on plant growth performance and yield using drought stress and salinity stress on ‘Shishito’, ‘Sapporo’ and ‘Botankosho’ cultivars. In experiment 1, although significant positive correlation was found between total sugar content and glucose content in all groups, there was no significant positive correlation between Brix and total sugar content. In experiment 2, a significant positive correlation was found between total sugar content and Brix in all cultivars under all stress conditions. Moreover, a significant positive correlation was found between total sugar content and Brix in each variety. These results clarified that it was not appropriate to use Brix for the comparison of varietal difference of total sugar content but that it was possible to estimate the differences among treatments and individuals within the same variety. In experiment 3, we also found that stress during cultivation increased Brix and capsaicinoid content, and decreased yield, fruit size, and number of leaves. The stress induced increase in Brix because of reduced yield and fruit size, and the effect of reduced photosynthetic ability on Brix due to reduced number of leaves seemed rather small.



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Relationship between the soluble solids metric Brix and other traits in Capsicum peppers


トウガラシにおける Brix と諸形質との関係

Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage Sangeeth Maduranga Bandara RATHNAYAKA1 ・

小林美嘉2 , 3・南 峰夫2・根本和洋4・松島憲一4





本研究は,トウガラシ果実の Brix と各種呈味成分との関係を明らかにするとともに,環境ストレスに応じ

て変化する Brix と収量等諸形質の関係を明らかにすることを目的とした.研究は2015年から2019年にかけて

実施した.実験₁では,2015年に39品種の Capsicum annuum を栽培し,辛味および呈味成分を評価した.ま








品種について,乾燥ストレスと塩分ストレスを用いて,ストレス条件が植物の生育,収量,Brix および辛味



の相関が認められたが,Brix と総糖度との間には有意な正の相関は認められなかった.一方で,実験₂では,

品種ごとにみると総糖度と Brix との間に有意な正の相関が認められた.これらの結果から,Brix を用いて総

糖度の品種間差を比較することは適切ではないが,同一品種であれば,処理間や個体間の総糖度を Brix で推

定することは可能であることが明らかになった.また,実験₃では,栽培中のストレスは Brix とカプサイシ


Brix を増加させるのは,果実収量や果実サイズを減少させることによるもので,葉数の減少を通じて光合成

能力を低下させることによる Brix への影響は小さいと推察された.

キーワード:Brix,カプサイシノイド,Capsicum annuum,可溶性固形分,総糖度




