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久保田, 史郎 KUBOTA, Shiro クボタ, シロウ 財津, 將嘉 ZAITSU, Masayoshi ザイツ, マサヨシ 吉原, 達也 YOSHIHARA, Tatsuya ヨシハラ, タツヤ 九州大学 DOI:https://doi.org/10.15017/3053997



After birth, the environment of infants suddenly changes from inside to outside of the uterus. Therefore, infants should immediately adapt to the new environment. However, their cardiopulmonary abilit





















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(Received for publication November 9, 2019)





Neonatal Management of Body Temperature and Nutrition

on Body Weight Loss and Neonatal Jaundice

Shiro KUBOTA1)2), Masayoshi ZAITSU3), Tatsuya YOSHIHARA2)4)


Kubota Life Science Laboratory Co., Ltd., Saga, Japan


Kubota Maternity Clinic, Fukuoka, Japan


Department of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Clinical Research Center, Fukuoka Mirai Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan

After birth, the environment of infants suddenly changes from inside to outside of the uterus.

Therefore, infants should immediately adapt to the new environment. However, their cardiopulmonary

abilities are yet immature and vulnerable to the sudden change.

The room temperature of delivery rooms (around 25℃) is likely to be low for infants. Due to the

immature abilities to produce and maintain heat, infants thus have a considerable risk of hypothermia,

which can cause unstable circulatory status.

Breast milk is an excellent nutritional source for infants, and breastfeeding is currently

recommended worldwide. However, in some instances, breastfeeding may not sufficiently meet the

basal metabolism of infants for the first several days after birth in Japan. In general, the maximum

body-weight loss is more significant in breastfed infants compared with bottle-fed infants. Excessive

body-weight loss is known to increase the risks of hypoglycemia, hypernatremia, and hyperbilirubinemia. These critical neonatal situations can lead to permanent central nervous damages.

In our hospital, we applied a combination method of thermal control and nutritional regulation to

meet the basal metabolism (50 kcal/kg/day). In this method, neonates were maintained in the neutral

environment temperature (32-34℃) for more than 1-2 hours after birth. This thermal control stabilizes

the autonomic nerve system, which has benefits on bowel movement, early initiation of oral intake, and

rapid excretion of meconium. Neonates were also fed with 5% glucose solution (10 mL/kg) at 1 hour

after birth, breastfed every 3 hours, and the formula was added (if applicable) to meet basal

metabolism. We have reported the results of this combination method, with very low incidence rates

for excessive body-weight loss (1.9%) and neonatal jaundice required phototherapy (0.3%).

Here, we review and discuss the influence of the neonatal management of body temperature and

nutrition after birth on infantsʼ clinical outcomes.

Key words : Breastfeeding, physiological body-weight loss, thermal control, neonatal jaundice, neonatal





