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Association of two variable number of tandem repeats in the monoamine oxidase A gene promoter with suicide completion: The present study and meta-analysis

Hasegawa, Masashi Tanifuji, Takaki Okazaki, Satoshi Otsuka, Ikuo Shirai, Toshiyuki Shindo, Ryota Horai, Tadasu Mouri, Kentaro Takahashi, Motonori Kondo, Takeshi Ueno, Yasuhiro Hishimoto, Akitoyo 神戸大学



Background: One potential cause of suicide is serotonergic dysfunction. Sex differences have been reported to modulate the effects of serotonergic polymorphisms. Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) is an enzyme that degrades serotonin and is located on the X chromosome. A previous study indicated that the upstream (u) variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) in the MAOA gene promoter may be associated with suicide. However, a meta-analysis showed that this polymorphism may not be related to suicide. According to a recent study, compared with the uVNTR, the distal (d)VNTR and the haplotypes of the two VNTRs modulate MAOA expression. Methods: We examined the two VNTRs in the MAOA gene promoter in 1007 subjects who committed suicide and 844 healthy controls. We analyzed the two VNTRs using fluorescence-based polymerase chain reaction assays. We conducted a meta-analysis for the two VNTRs to update it. Results: Our results demonstrated that neither the genotype-based associations nor allele/haplotype frequencies of the two VNTRs were significantly associated with suicide. In the meta-analysis, we did not indicate relationships between uVNTR and suicide nor did we identify articles analyzing dVNTR in suicide. Conclusion: Overall, we did not find a relationship between the two VNTRs in the MAOA promoter and suicide completion; thus, warranting further studies are required.



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How to cite this article: Hasegawa M, Tanifuji T, Okazaki S,

Otsuka I, Shirai T, Shindo R, et al. Association of two variable

number of tandem repeats in the monoamine oxidase A gene

promoter with suicide completion: The present study and

meta-­analysis. Neuropsychopharmacol Rep. 2023;43:338–

345. https://doi.org/10.1002/npr2.12344

2574173x, 2023, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/npr2.12344 by Kobe University, Wiley Online Library on [19/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License






