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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Biochemical, Cell Biological, and Molecular Dynamics Studies of the Fission Yeast α-Actinin Ain1」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Biochemical, Cell Biological, and Molecular Dynamics Studies of the Fission Yeast α-Actinin Ain1

森田, 陸離 筑波大学



The actin cytoskeleton is involved in various cellular processes, such as crawling on substrates, intracellular transport of vesicles and organelles, cell morphogenesis, and cytokinesis. Actin-binding proteins modulate the structure and function of F-actin in these processes. In particular, actin-bundling proteins bundle F-actin and assemble the three-dimensional meshwork of actin cytoskeleton.

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe forms a contractile ring (CR) during cytokinesis and utilizes its constriction to guide a septum. Fission yeast has several actin-bundling proteins, although the differences in their function have not yet been fully discovered. Ain1 is the sole homolog of α-actinin in fission yeast and specifically localizes to the CR. It has previously been shown that loss of the ain1+ gene induces cytokinetic defects under stressful conditions.

Here, I studied the biochemical interactions between Ain1 and F-actin and structural mechanism behind their interaction. It was found that Ain1 had a weaker affinity for F-actin than the other actin-bundling proteins. However, microscopy showed that Ain1 was able to bundle F-actin into thick filaments. A point-mutation R216E in the actin-binding domain (ABD), which corresponds to a pathogenic mutation in mammalian α-actinin, enhanced the actin-binding activity of Ain1 and bundled F-actin into a disorderly aggregation.

Next, to characterize the functional domain of Ain1, the cellular localization of truncated and mutated Ain1 was examined. I successfully demonstrated the role-sharing relationship of the two calponin homology domains in detail. In addition, the C-terminal EF-hand was found to be essential for actin-binding in vivo but unnecessary in vitro.

In addition, I studied the molecular mechanism of the interaction between Ain1 and F-actin. It had previously been proposed that the R216E mutation in α-actinin promoted the close-open conformational change of the ABD and enhanced its actin-binding activity. To investigate the transition mechanism, molecular dynamics simulations were performed. However, I did not observe the close-open conformational change. My study unexpectedly revealed a novel actin-binding region on Ain1 molecule and a mutation in this region abrogated the cellular localization of Ain1.

In this thesis, I examined the properties of the α-actinin Ain1 by biochemical, cell biological, and molecular dynamics studies.



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