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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Distribution Records and Host Plant Ranges of Identified and Unidentified Species of Gall-inducing Cecidomyiids (Diptera) in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Distribution Records and Host Plant Ranges of Identified and Unidentified Species of Gall-inducing Cecidomyiids (Diptera) in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan

YUKAWA, Junichi 湯川, 淳一 ユカワ, ジュンイチ TOKUDA, Makoto 徳田, 誠 トクダ, マコト UECHI, Nami 上地, 奈美 ウエチ, ナミ MATSUNAGA, Kiyoko 松永, 紀代子 マツナガ, キヨコ 九州大学



A total of 173 sorts of cecidomyiid gall on 132 plant species across 88 genera of 54 families were recognized to occur in Fukuoka Prefecture. Among them, three sorts are new findings from Japan, and three plant species were regarded to be new hosts of cecidomyiids in Japan. Cecidomyiid galls were most abundant in Fagaceae, followed by Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Styracaceae, and Rosaceae. Species of gall-bearing plant were most abundant in Asteraceae, followed by Fagaceae, Fabaceae, Vitaceae, and Rosaceae. Sixty cecidomyiids were identified to the species level and 34 to the genus level. Among identified cecidomyiids, species of the genus Asphondylia were most abundant, followed by Contarinia, Rhopalomyia, and Schizomyia. The faunistic comparison between Fukuoka and Korea supports the consideration that Japanese cecidomyiids expanded their range northwards through Tsushima as a stepping stone island rather than for Korean cecidomyiids did southwards.



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