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Chapter 24: Building a Sustainable Photovoltaic Innovation System in Indonesia Through Network Governance Perspective

Asmara, Anugerah Yuka Hidayat, AR. Rohman Taufiq Kurniawan, Badrudin Ohgaki, Hideaki Mitsufuji, Toshio Cravioto, Jordi 京都大学 DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-15904-6_24



Photovoltaic (PV) is one of primary renewable energy sources aimed to achieve national electrification ratio in Indonesia. There are two PV electricity generators in Indonesia, centralized PV generators (PLTS) and dispersed PV generators (SHS). Both PLTS and SHS are installed in remote and rural areas by which there are no electricity grids provided by state-owned electricity (PLN). The numbers of 15 PLTS/SHS projects are main cases of this study. All of them are categorized based on the type of project and thus analyzed by qualitative research method. This research attempts to investigate PV projects’ current progress and formulate a solution to solve the emerging problems. This research found that PLTS/ SHS projects face unresolved classical problems over the years, unsustaining PV projects (e.g., short-life infrastructure due to maintenance capability issue). This study proposes regional innovation system (RIS) and sectoral innovation system (SIS) as the Indonesian comprehensive policy strategy to sustain national PV projects. Network Governance (NG) perspective is a lens to capture how actors of academician, business, government, and community (ABGC) interact and collaborate mutually. The conclusion is that RIS and SIS can create a PV market in Indonesia, possibly being implemented through different NG forms.



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Anugerah Yuka Asmara is a researcher at the Directorate of Policy Formulation for Research,

Technology, and Innovation at the National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN),

Indonesia. Yuka holds a master’s degree in public administration and policy from the University of

Indonesia. His research focuses on science-­technology-­innovation (STI) policy, renewable energy

policy, public governance and institution, creative and innovative small-medium enterprises, and

innovation in public sectors.

AR. Rohman Taufiq Hidayat is a lecturer at Regional and Urban Planning Department,

Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. FIQ holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Science and

Technology from Kyoto University. His research focuses on rural planning and community development. His current works are investigating the impact of rural electricity on the community’s

livelihoods, rural youth mobility, intergeneration in farming succession, and a smart farming

implementation possibility in Indonesia.

Badrudin Kurniawan is a lecturer at the Department of Public Administration, the State

University of Surabaya, where he has been a department member since 2014. He completed his

master’s at two universities, namely, the University of Brawijaya and Burapha University.

Therefore, he obtained two master’s degrees in Public Administration and Arts in Political Science.

He teaches several courses on public policy and is interested in research on environmental issues

and policies.

Hideaki Ohgaki is a professor at the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Japan. His

interests are electron accelerators, quantum radiations, and implementation studies on new and

renewable energy in ASEAN.

24 Building a Sustainable Photovoltaic Innovation System in Indonesia…


Toshio Mitsufuji is a professor at the Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan

University, Japan. His areas of expertise are innovation system, renewable energy technology,

innovation studies, innovation management, and strategic management. Currently, he is a senior

researcher at OIC Reserach Organization, Ritsumeikan University.

Jordi Cravioto is an assistant research professor at the Institute for Advanced Energy, Kyoto

University. He writes on social issues of energy use in Latin America and Southeast Asia. He is a

member of Japan’s Energy and Resources Society and the Mexican Network of Energy Poverty

Studies. He holds a Mechanical-Electrical Engineering degree from Tecnológico de Monterrey,

and a Master’s and PhD degree in Socio-environmental Energy Science from Kyoto University.

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