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鄭, 聖勳 JEONG, SEONGHUN ジョン, ソンフン 九州大学



Rainfall partitioning (RP) into throughfall (TF), stemflow (SF), and interception loss (IL) largely influence forest ecosystem services such as (1) water resources, (2) disaster prevention, and (3) nutrient cycling. RP should be significantly affected by forest stand structure, and accordingly, understanding the relationship between RP and forest stand structures is required to enhance forest ecosystem services. Researches on TF and IL of RP have widely been conducted in coniferous plantations, and practical estimation models for TF and IL have been developed using common forest inventory data. Although these models are practical, there are still few studies of RP in dense unmanaged coniferous plantations. Some previous studies proposed that some factors other than forest inventory data such as leaf area and dead branches should be considered for RP. In addition to this, there are few studies on SF, possibly because SF had been generally regarded as a small portion of gross rainfall (GR). However, SF could be different and unignorable depending on forest stand structure. Thus, quantification of RP in dense unmanaged forests and understanding and modeling the relationship between SF and forest stand structure is required for providing better forest ecosystem services. The objectives of this study were (1) to clarify the difference of RP in a dense unmanaged coniferous plantation, (2) to find stand structure factors affecting RP in the dense unmanaged coniferous plantations, and (3) to develop SF estimation models for Japanese cedar and cypress plantations for better forest and water management.

 First, the study was conducted in a dense unmanaged 32-year-old Japanese cypress plantation with a stand density (SD) of 2500 stems ha−1 at the Takada experimental site in the Kasuya Research Forest, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Intensive RP measurements were made over one year from May, 2016 to May, 2017 in a plot (20 m x 10 m), and the measured data were compared with the published 36 data of Japanese cedar and cypress plantations in Japan. The results demonstrated that the present RP was markedly different compared with the previous studies (the highest SF/GR: 18.9%, the lowest TF/GR: 47.5%, and the highest IL/GR: 33.6%). This study highlights that RP can significantly differ and SF account for a high proportion of RP in unmanaged coniferous plantations with high SD.

 Second, to confirm the above result of the high proportion of SF, one more plot (20 m x 10 m) adjacent to the plot (c.a. 50m apart) was established under the same SD of 2500 stems ha−1, but different stand characteristics. The stand characteristics, including branch structure (live and dead branches), were investigated in detail to determine new stand structure factors. RP was then intensively monitored in the two study plots from April to October 2017 during growing season. The results showed that SF/GR ratios were the highest (23.3% and 21.9%) and exceptionally high compared with previous studies with ≤ 2400 stems ha−1. The results also implied that the exceptionally high SF/GR could be induced by the additional gain of rainwater by the dense dead branches but the dead branches effect on generating SF could be limited to the upper dead branches.

 To bridge the gap of an absence of SF estimation models of RP, SF/GR estimation models were examined using common forest inventory data and other factors related to forest stand structures. A set of SF/GR and stand structures given in forest inventory data (SD, total basal area, mean diameter at breast height ( DBH ), mean tree height, canopy cover, and leaf area index) was collected from the 25 previous studies of Japanese cedar and cypress plantations and examined with the measured data of this study. To further investigate the relationship between SF/GR and forest stand structures, additional stand structure variables (mean basal area, mean stem surface area, and total stem surface area) derived from the forest inventory data and the stand-scale funneling ratio (FRstand) assessing the efficiency of funneling rainwater were also examined. The results showed that among all the stand structure variables, SD exclusively determined SF/GR, providing the best-fitting positive single linear regression equation as a density-based SF/GR model (RMSE = 2.4%). This model is useful for the purpose of practical forest water management because it requires the most common forest inventory data (SD). However, it has a weak point in meticulous forest management because it does not reflect tree growth. Thus, a size-based SF/GR model (RMSE = 2.0%) was developed on the basis of a strong relationship between FRstand and DBH (R2 = 0.845). This model reflects the effects of not only SD but also tree growth by DBH on SF/GR. The size-based SF/GR estimation model using only common forest inventory data will contribute to the evaluation and control of SF in meticulous forest water management.

 This study emphasizes that SF is significantly altered depending on forest stand structure, and thus cannot be always a small portion of GR. The SF estimation models developed in this study could provide better forest ecosystem services together with the existing TF and IL models.



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