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Higher rank FZZ-dualities

Creutzig, Thomas Hikida, Yasuaki 京都大学 DOI:10.1007/JHEP02(2021)140



We examine strong/weak dualities in two dimensional conformal field theories by generalizing the Fateev-Zamolodchikov-Zamolodchikov (FZZ-)duality between Witten’s cigar model described by the sl(2)/u(1) coset and sine-Liouville theory. In a previous work, a proof of the FZZ-duality was provided by applying the reduction method from sl(2) Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model to Liouville field theory and the self-duality of Liouville field theory. In this paper, we work with the coset model of the type sl(N+1)/(sl(N)×u(1)) and investigate the equivalence to a theory with an sl(N+1|N) structure. We derive the duality explicitly for N = 2, 3 by applying recent works on the reduction method extended for sl(N) and the self-duality of Toda field theory. Our results can be regarded as a conformal field theoretic derivation of the duality of the Gaiotto-Rapčák corner vertex operator algebras Y0, N, N+1[ψ] and YN, 0, N+1[ψ⁻¹].



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These results imply that we should replace α ↔ −2j1 + j2 − α when we exchange the free

field realizations.

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