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Exploring factors governing the gut microbiome of Japanese macaques

Lee, Wan Yi 京都大学 DOI:10.14989/doctor.k23749



The mammalian gastrointestinal tract harbors a complex ecosystem that made up of a variety of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiome. Specifically, mammals rely on the gut microbiome to process the indigestible plant materials. Through fermentation, the gut microbes transform fiber and the other indigestible materials into short-chain fatty acids and other nutrients, which are then absorbed by the host animals. For nonhuman primates and other animals that depend on plant material as the main component of their diet, the gut microbiome and its digestive function play a vital role in their feeding ecology. Despite the advancing knowledge in contributions of gut microbiome, mechanism shaping primate and mammalian gut microbiome remains obscure. Knowledge on primate gut microbiome can offer critical perspective in understanding primate feeding ecology. Living at the northern limits of the primate global range, Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) inhabit the marginal habitat for the primates. Their diet includes a considerable proportion of fibrous foods, which would be indigestible without gut microbiome. Thriving in various habitats, Japanese macaques are astonishingly flexible in their feeding behavior, making them the most suitable study subject for host-gut microbiome relationship in primates. Studies on Japanese macaques so far have revealed how macaques flexibly adapt to dietary variation across habitats and seasons via foraging behaviors. The gut microbiome of Japanese macaques has yet to be investigated in depth. Understanding of macaques’ gut microbiome will not only offer basic information to the feeding ecology of Japanese macaques but also provide insights to primate’s radiation from tropical to temperate regions. Here this thesis attempts to investigate the ecological factors shaping their gut microbiome at the individual (Chapter 2) and population (Chapter 3) level. In Chapter 2, I compared the stomach and colonic microbiome to explore variation in gut microbiome within the individual. Gut microbiome composition and function distinguishes between the stomach and colon, relating to the physiochemical environment and digestive function. Stomach microbiome is less diverse and related to metabolism of simple sugar. Colonic microbiome, on the other hand, is composed of microbial taxa with fiber- degrading ability. Chapter 3 explores the variation between macaque populations with different accessibility to anthropogenic foods – captive, provisioned, crop-raiding and wild. Result of Chapter 3 shows that the primate gut microbiome is related to the dietary/nutritional intake, since anthropogenic foods tend to contain less fiber and higher digestible carbohydrates. Taken together, this thesis concludes that primate gut microbiome is a dynamic community affected by (1) physiochemical environment in the gut and (2) the host foraging behavior. Given the variation in gut physiology and/or foraging behavior across and within the primate species, a flexible gut microbiome may serve as a “tailor-made” solution for different survival challenges. In the case of Japanese macaques, they may have adapted to the temperate habitats by improving their processing ability for low-quality foods through gut microbiome, while metabolizing the fat deposited from eating fruits and seeds. Taken, this thesis offers insights into the role of gut microbiome in the adaptive radiation of hindgut fermenting primates to the marginal habitats. Facilitating exploitation of low-quality foods, gut microbiome provide buffer against the dietary challenges encountered by its hosts. Examining the macaques’ gut microbiome, this thesis contributes to a better understanding over the feeding ecology of Japanese macaques and primates overall.


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