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A deazariboflavin chromophore kinetically stabilizes reduced FAD state in a bifunctional cryptochrome

Hosokawa, Yuhei 大阪大学




A deazariboflavin chromophore kinetically
stabilizes reduced FAD state in a bifunctional


Hosokawa, Yuhei; Morita, Hiroyoshi; Nakamura,
Mai et al.


Scientific Reports. 2023, 13(1), p. 16682

Version Type VoR

This article is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Osaka University Knowledge Archive : OUKA
Osaka University



A deazariboflavin chromophore
kinetically stabilizes reduced
FAD state in a bifunctional
Yuhei Hosokawa , Hiroyoshi Morita , Mai Nakamura  & Junpei Yamamoto *
An animal-like cryptochrome derived from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CraCRY) is a bifunctional
flavoenzyme harboring flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) as a photoreceptive/catalytic center and
functions both in the regulation of gene transcription and the repair of UV-induced DNA lesions in
a light-dependent manner, using different FAD redox states. To address how CraCRY stabilizes the
physiologically relevant redox state of FAD, we investigated the thermodynamic and kinetic stability
of the two-electron reduced anionic FAD state ­(FADH−) in CraCRY and related (6–4) photolyases. The
thermodynamic stability of ­FADH− remained almost the same compared to that of all tested proteins.
However, the kinetic stability of ­FADH− varied remarkably depending on the local structure of the
secondary pocket, where an auxiliary chromophore, 8-hydroxy-7,8-didemethyl-5-deazariboflavin
(8-HDF), can be accommodated. The observed effect of 8-HDF uptake on the enhancement of the
kinetic stability of ­FADH− suggests an essential role of 8-HDF in the bifunctionality of CraCRY.
While sunlight is indispensable for the evolution of life on Earth, solar energy in the UV-B and -C ranges
(100–315 nm) exerts a harmful effect on DNA by altering the chemical structures of adjacent pyrimidine bases
into lesions represented by cyclobutene pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and/or pyrimidine(6–4)pyrimidone photoproducts ((6–4)PPs), which potentially cause mutagenesis and c­ arcinogenesis1,2. To maintain genetic integrity,
many organisms possess photolyases (PLs), flavoproteins able to repair the DNA lesions to their original structures using blue ­light3. Despite classification of PLs into CPD PLs and (6–4) PLs based on their substrates, bond
rearrangement via photoinduced electron transfer from a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor to the
substrates is a common key reaction mediated by ­PLs4,5. While FAD in PLs can be observed in three redox states,
namely, oxidized (­ FADox), one-electron reduced neutral (­ FADH·), or two-electron reduced anionic (­ FADH−)
forms, only the F
­ ADH− state can be used for the repair reaction. Because of the prerequisite of the F
­ ADH− state
for their activity, PLs developed a unique process in which FAD is reduced in a light-dependent manner, called
­photoreduction6. In addition to the FAD cofactor, an auxiliary chromophore can be found in some PLs and
is known to absorb photon energy, transfer it to FAD through the Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)
­mechanism7, and assist with the photoexcitation of ­FADH− for the photorepair r­ eaction8. So far, 8-hydroxy7,8-didemethyl-5-deazariboflavin (8-HDF) has been identified as an antenna chromophore in some (6–4) ­PLs9–12.
Cryptochromes (CRYs) are phylogenetically relevant to PLs with similar structural architectures but are
involved in various biological events apart from DNA repair, such as circadian rhythm r­ egulation13. Therefore,
PLs and CRYs form a flavoprotein family called the Photolyase/Cryptochrome Superfamily (PCSf). Several
types of CRYs from plants and animals have been identified as photoreceptive CRYs bearing FAD. For example,
plant CRYs are representative photoreceptors that transmit light signals to the blue light signaling pathways,
which regulate photomorphogenic b
­ ehaviors14–16 and circadian rhythm ­entrainment17. In addition to plant CRYs
that have evolved from CPD PLs, Drosophila-type CRYs (dCRYs), which are evolutionarily derived from (6–4)
PLs, have also been characterized as photoreceptors that primarily function in synchronization of the circadian
rhythm with ­sunlight18. Unlike PLs functioning in the ­FADH− state, these photoreceptive CRYs appear to interact with other partner proteins in not ­FADH− but the one-electron reduced form ­(FADH· for plant ­CRYs19 or a
one-electron reduced anionic state (­ FAD·−) for ­dCRYs20). Hence, understanding the mechanism by which PCSf
proteins with similar frameworks differently stabilize the FAD redox states required for their biological actions
provides a fundamental clue for the origin of their functional diversity.
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, 1‑3 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560‑8531, Japan.
email: yamamoto.junpei.es@osaka-u.ac.jp

Scientific Reports |

(2023) 13:16682

| https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-43930-0


In previous s­ tudies21–25, the residue next to the N5 atom of isoalloxazine in FAD was found to be related to
the functional redox states of FAD in PCSf proteins. An Asp residue in plant CRYs enables rapid generation of
its active F
­ ADH· state by protonating F
­ AD·−22. In contrast, Cys residues in dCRYs reportedly inhibit protonation, yielding an active ­FAD·− ­state23. In both CPD and (6–4) PLs, an Asn residue is exclusively conserved at the
­position6. In particular, the Asn residue in CPD PLs stabilizes the F
­ ADH· state in both kinetic and thermodynamic
manner for the repair reaction performed with the F
­ ADH·/FADH– redox p
­ air24. A time-resolved crystallographic
study of FAD photoreduction in a PCSf protein captured the transient motion of the Asn residue to stabilize
the ­FADH· state, thereby acting as a redox sensor triad together with the proximal Arg–Asp salt ­bridge25. These
examples indicate that the N5-proximal Asp, Asn, and Cys residues exclusively govern the functional FAD state
in PCSf proteins. However, the recent discovery of animal-like CRY from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CraCRY)
challenges the paradigm. CraCRY is found to exhibit not only photoreceptive CRY functions regulating the
transcription of ­genes26 but also the ability to repair (6–4)PPs using ­FADH−27. Interestingly, CraCRY has an Asn
residue proximal to the N5 atom of isoalloxazine of FAD and adopts F
­ ADox, ­FADH·, and ­FADH− ­states28 as well
as (6–4) PLs do. Therefore, it is challenging to determine how CraCRY sharing a similar architecture and redox
chemistry of FAD with those of (6–4) PLs executes additional CRY functions.
In this study, we shed light on the molecular origin of the unique functionality of CraCRY by determining
the thermodynamic stability of the ­FADH− state and its kinetic stability against the reoxidation reaction in
CraCRY and its evolutionarily related (6–4) PLs. Consistent with the conservation of residues around FAD, the
thermodynamic stability did not show a significant difference between them. However, the kinetic stability of
­FADH− in the tested proteins varied remarkably depending on the local structure of the secondary pocket, where
natural antenna chromophores, such as 8-HDF, can be accommodated. Based on these results, we propose that
the bifunctionality of CraCRY is likely regulated by the presence or absence of 8-HDF.


Evaluation of thermodynamic stability of F
­ ADH− in (6–4) PLs

We first evaluated the thermodynamic stability of F
­ ADH− in (6–4) PLs from Arabidopsis thaliana and Xenopus
laevis (At64 and Xl64) and CraCRY using a spectroscopic electrochemical analysis called the xanthine/xanthine oxidase (X/XO) ­method29. In the well-established technique to evaluate the midpoint potentials of flavin
derivatives in flavoproteins, electrons released from the oxidation of X by XO simultaneously reduced FAD and
a reference dye in the presence of the redox mediator methylviologen (Fig. 1a). After testing various reference
dyes, we found that Safranin T dye was reduced simultaneously with FAD in At64, Xl64, and CraCRY. During

Figure 1.  Evaluation of thermodynamic stabilities of F
­ ADH− in (6–4)PP-repairing proteins by the xanthine/
xanthine oxidase (X/XO) method. (a) The oxidation of X to uric acid by XO supplies electrons to FAD and
a reference dye Safranin T via a redox mediator methylviologen. The structural model was taken from the
reported crystal structure of At64 (PDB: 3FY4)32. (b) The X/XO reaction reduced fully oxidized ­FADox to twoelectron reduced anionic ­FADH− without accumulating one-electron reduced ­FADH·. (c) Midpoint potentials
of the ­FADox/FADH− redox pair in (6–4)PP-repairing proteins were ~  − 290 mV vs. SHE. The value was
considerably lower than those reported for CPD PL derived from Synechococcus elongatus (SePhrA), formerly
called Anacystis nidulans CPD P
­ L11,24 and for the solution FAD (aq) ­state33. Error bars for our samples reflect the
standard deviation for n = 3.

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(2023) 13:16682 |



the reduction by X/XO, no accumulation of the one-electron reduced F
­ ADH· state was observed, as confirmed by
probing the absorption unique to F
­ ADH· at wavelengths from 500 to 700 nm (Supplementary Fig. 1). The findings
indicated that the two-electron reduction of F
­ ADox into F
­ ADH− occurred in the system (Fig. 1b). Accordingly,
the synchronous decreases in the absorption characteristic to the oxidized states of FAD and Safranin T (­ A450
for ­FADox, ­A510 for Safranin T in Supplementary Figs. 2–4) were analyzed using Eq. 1, as described in Methods. ...



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The authors thank Dr. Manuel Maestre-Reyna (National Taiwan University) for valuable discussions. This work

was supported by Grant-in-Aids for JSPS Fellows (JP 21J13329 to Y. H.) and for Scientific Research on Innovative Area “Molecular Movie” (JP20H05442 and JP22H04751 to J. Y.) and by JST FOREST (JPMJFR2057 to J. Y.).

Author contributions

Y.H. and J.Y. conceived the idea; Y.H., H.M., and M.N. performed the experiments; Y.H. and J.Y. analyzed the

data; Y.H. and J.Y. wrote the manuscript; all authors have reviewed and given approval to the final version of

the manuscript.

Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.

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