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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Simulation of the transition metal-based cumulative oxidative potential in East Asia and its emission sources in Japan」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Simulation of the transition metal-based cumulative oxidative potential in East Asia and its emission sources in Japan

Kajino, Mizuo Hagino, Hiroyuki Fujitani, Yuji Morikawa, Tazuko Fukui, Tetsuo Onishi, Kazunari Okuda, Tomoaki Igarashi, Yasuhito 京都大学 DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-85894-z



The aerosol oxidative potential (OP) is considered to better represent the acute health hazards of aerosols than the mass concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The proposed major contributors to OP are water soluble transition metals and organic compounds, but the relative magnitudes of these compounds to the total OP are not yet fully understood. In this study, as the first step toward the numerical prediction of OP, the cumulative OP (OPtm*) based on the top five key transition metals, namely, Cu, Mn, Fe, V, and Ni, was defined. The solubilities of metals were assumed constant over time and space based on measurements. Then, the feasibility of its prediction was verified by comparing OPtm* values based on simulated metals to that based on observed metals in East Asia. PM2.5 typically consists of primary and secondary species, while OPtm* only represents primary species. This disparity caused differences in the domestic contributions of PM2.5 and OPtm*, especially in large cities in western Japan. The annual mean domestic contributions of PM2.5 were 40%, while those of OPtm* ranged from 50 to 55%. Sector contributions to the OPtm* emissions in Japan were also assessed. The main important sectors were the road brake and iron–steel industry sectors, followed by power plants, road exhaust, and railways.



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The current research was mainly supported by the Environmental Research and Technology Development Fund of

the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency (ERCA) (JPMEERF20165005 and JPMEERF20165051).

It was also supported by the Fundamental Research Budget of MRI (M5 and P5), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) (KAKENHI grant nos. JP19H01155, JP19K19468, JP25870447, JP20H00636), and the

Joint Research Program of Arid Land Research Centter, Tottori University (No. 27C2001, 28D20056, 30D2003,

and 02C2010). The authors thank Prof. Kazuichi Hayakawa of Kanazawa University for his useful comments

on the importance of quinones and Mr. Takuya Kishikawa of the University of Tsukuba for the provided data

handling assistance.

Author contributions

M.K. designed the research and conducted the numerical simulations. M.K. wrote the manuscript in collaboration with all coauthors. Y. I. organized the research group, H. H., T. M., and T. F. provided information on the

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emission inventories, Y. F. provided the experimental data for the oxidative potential determination, and K. O.,

and T. O. provided the field measurement data of the metals in TSP.

Competing interests The authors declare no competing of interests.

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