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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「コムギのコムギいもち病菌に対する抵抗性遺伝子Rmg8 とRmgGR119の有効性と持続性」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




コムギのコムギいもち病菌に対する抵抗性遺伝子Rmg8 とRmgGR119の有効性と持続性

Horo, Jemal Tola ホロ, ジェマル トラ 神戸大学



Wheat blast (Pyricularia oryzae) is a relatively new disease which first emerged in Brazil in 1985. In 2016 an outbreak of this disease occurred in Bangladesh and gave a severe damage on wheat production. To control this disease, the use of host resistance is the best option, but available resistance genes are limited. In our laboratory, two promising resistance genes have been identified in common wheat, i.e., Rmg8 and RmgGR119. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and durability of Rmg8 and RmgGR119.

 Eighteen wheat lines carrying Rmg8 and an accession (GR119) carrying Rmg8 and RmgGR119 were inoculated with eight Bangladeshi isolates (T-102 through T-109) and two Brazilian isolates (Br48 and Br5). At 22oC and 25oC, they were resistant to all Bangladeshi and Brazilian isolates. However, further investigation at higher temperatures with intact and detached primary or third leaves revealed that these isolates were divided into two groups. Group A consisting of a Brazilian isolate (Br48) and Bangladeshi isolates showed an entirely avirulent reaction, while Group B consisting Br5 and Br116.5 produced brown flecks accompanied by tissue browning. Group A harbored the eI type of AVR-Rmg8 (the avirulence gene corresponding to Rmg8), which was 100% identical to that of Br48, while Group B harbored the eII and eII’ types of AVR-Rmg8. Sequence analyses of our Bangladesh isolates and whole genome sequences in the database revealed that all Bangladeshi isolates exclusively harbored the eI type.

 To examine if the difference of the A and B groups in the virulence on wheat was attributable to the types of AVR-Rmg8 they harbored, the three types of AVR-Rmg8 were cloned and transformed into Br48∆A8 (disruptant of AVR-Rmg8). The resulting transformants were sprayed to seedlings and spikes of common wheat cv. Hope (-/-), accession IL191 (Rmg8/-), and GR119 (Rmg8/RmgGR119). At the seedling stage IL191 was highly resistant to transformants with the eI type but moderately resistant to those with the eII and eII’ types. At the heading stage IL191 was highly resistant to the transformants with the eI type but susceptible to those with the eII and eII’ types. These results suggest that the different reactions are attributed to the difference of AVR-Rmg8 alleles. GR119 carrying Rmg8 and RmgGR119 was resistant to the transformants with all types of AVR-Rmg8, even at high temperatures.

 Distribution of AVR-Rmg8 was further surveyed using isolates from various hosts. Southern blot and sequence analyses revealed that AVR-Rmg8 was widely distributed in the Triticum, Lolium, and Avena isolates, but lacking in the isolates collected from Leersia sp., Cenchus sp., Digitaria sp. and Sasa sp. hosts.

 Taken together, I conclude that Rmg8 and probably, RmgGR119 are effective against P. oryzae in Bangladesh.



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