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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Pd担持触媒の特性および耐硫黄被毒性に関する研究」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





重信, 咲季 SHIGENOBU, Saki シゲノブ, サキ 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Study on the properties of supported Pd
catalysts and their resistance to sulfur
重信, 咲季

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2022, 博士(工学), 課程博士

(様式3)Form 3

名 :重信 咲季


論 文 名 : Study on the properties of supported Pd catalysts and their resistance to sulfur poisoning
(Pd 担持触媒の特性および耐硫黄被毒性に関する研究)

Title :

分 :甲


論 文 内 容 の 要 旨
Thesis Summary
Supported Pd catalysts are key materials for reducing the environmental load caused by air pollution.
Exhaust gas emission regulations to prevent air pollution are becoming stricter. Furthermore, the price of
Pd has skyrocketed due to the rapid increase in demand and current social conditions and reducing the
amount of Pd used is required. Therefore, the development of highly active Pd catalysts is required. In this
study, I systematically investigated the effects of (1) the catalyst support, (2) the transition metal addition,
and (3) the sulfur species on the catalytic properties of Pd catalysts. The mechanisms of enhanced catalytic
activity and sulfur poisoning were elucidated by various methods, such as electron microscopy and in situ
XAFS measurements. The main research contents and results are as follows:
Chapter 1 outlines the research background of this study and the fundamentals of catalytic chemistry.
In Chapter 2, the effect of the support on the CO oxidation reaction under dilute O2 conditions was
examined, and Pd/CeO2 showed higher catalytic activity in the low-temperature region below 180 °C.
STEM images and XAFS measurements revealed that Pd particles on CeO2 were more highly dispersed
than those on TiO2 and Al2O3. FTIR measurements showed that Pd on CeO2 exists as PdO in an
atmosphere and is reduced to Pd0 under CO flow. Furthermore, oxidative desorption of CO species
adsorbed on Pd/CeO2 is faster than that of CO species on Pd/TiO2 and Pd/Al2O3.
In Chapter 3, the effect of SO2 on the catalytic structure of Pd/CeO2 was investigated by in situ XAFS
measurements to observe the changes under SO2 flow. in situ XAFS measurements revealed that SO2
treatment at 500 °C sulfurized the surface lattice of CeO2 to form sulfate and Ce3+ species. SO2 treatment
did not form Pd sulfides, and the entire Pd/CeO2 catalyst surface was sulfurized. Furthermore, Pd loading
on the CeO2 promoted sulfurization of the support CeO2.
In Chapter 4, morphology-controlled c-CeO2 was prepared, and the effect of SO2 on the CeO2 structure of
Pd/CeO2 was analyzed at the atomic level using STEM-EELS measurements. Pd was highly dispersed on
c-CeO2. STEM-EELS measurements revealed that SO2 treatment at 200 °C did not change the structure
of the support CeO2, while SO2 treatment at 400 °C reduced the support c-CeO2 and increased the number
of oxygen vacancies. Moreover, it was found that sulfurization by SO2 is enhanced at the Pd-CeO2
In Chapter 5, the effect of Cu addition on the CO oxidation activity of Pd/CeO2 catalysts under dilute
conditions was investigated. The addition of Cu to Pd/CeO2 improved the activity at 90–250 °C, and
Pd-Cu/CeO2 exhibited the highest activity in all temperature ranges. Pd-Cu/CeO2 exhibited higher activity
for CO oxidation than Cu/CeO2. The addition of Cu did not affect the electronic state of Pd and did not form

Pd-Cu bimetallic particles; however, the proximity of Cu reduced the Pd particle size and improved the
dispersion of Pd.
In Chapter 6, the effect of SO2 on VOC oxidation over Pd/Al2O3 is discussed. In this chapter, I found that
the benzene oxidation activity of Pd/Al2O3, a widely used catalyst for VOC oxidation, was improved by SO2
treatment after the activity was reduced by sintering due to high-temperature treatment. Pd species
existed as coarsened PdO and did not form sulfides or sulfites. DRIFT studies showed that SO2 treatment
suppressed the formation of byproduct compounds on the catalyst, resulting in increased activity for
benzene oxidation.
This study significantly contributed to elucidating the mechanisms of the activity enhancement and the
sulfur poisoning by enabling analysis at the atomic level and under actual reaction conditions. The
findings of this study connect basic and applied research. They are expected to be applied not only to
exhaust gas purification but also to all kinds of catalytic reactions under residual sulfur, such as oil
refining and hydrogen production from fossil fuels.




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Chapter 7 Conclusions

Supported Pd catalysts are key materials for reducing the environmental load caused by air

pollution. Exhaust gas emission regulations to prevent air pollution are becoming stricter.

Furthermore, the price of Pd has skyrocketed due to the rapid increase in demand and current

social conditions, and reducing the amount of Pd used is required. Therefore, the development

of highly active Pd catalysts is required. Investigation of the influence of sulfur species is

necessary for designing highly active catalysts. In this study, the effects of support, transition

metal addition, and sulfur species on the catalytic properties of Pd-supported catalysts were

investigated to develop high-performance Pd catalysts. The main research contents and results

are as follows:

Chapter 1 outlines the research background of this study and the fundamentals of catalytic


In Chapter 2, the effect of the support on the CO oxidation reaction under dilute O2

conditions was examined, and Pd/CeO2 showed higher catalytic activity in the low-temperature

region below 180 °C. STEM images and XAFS measurements revealed that Pd particles on

CeO2 were more highly dispersed than those on TiO2 and Al2O3. FTIR measurements showed

that Pd on CeO2 exists as PdO in an atmosphere and is reduced to Pd0 under CO flow.

Furthermore, oxidative desorption of CO species adsorbed on Pd/CeO2 is faster than that of CO

species on Pd/TiO2 and Pd/Al2O3.

In Chapter 3, the effect of SO2 on the catalytic structure of Pd/CeO2 was investigated by in

situ XAFS measurements to observe the changes under SO2 flow. in situ XAFS measurements

revealed that SO2 treatment at 500 °C sulfurized the surface lattice of CeO2 to form sulfate and

Ce3+ species. SO2 treatment did not form Pd sulfides, and the entire Pd/CeO2 catalyst surface


was sulfurized. Furthermore, Pd loading on the CeO2 promoted sulfurization of the support


In Chapter 4, morphology-controlled c-CeO2 was prepared, and the effect of SO2 on the

CeO2 structure of Pd/CeO2 was analyzed at the atomic level using STEM-EELS measurements.

Pd was highly dispersed on c-CeO2. STEM-EELS measurements revealed that SO2 treatment

at 200 °C did not change the structure of the support CeO2, while SO2 treatment at 400 °C

reduced the support c-CeO2 and increased the number of oxygen vacancies. Moreover, it was

found that sulfurization by SO2 is enhanced at the Pd-CeO2 interface.

In Chapter 5, the effect of Cu addition on the CO oxidation activity of Pd/CeO2 catalysts

under dilute conditions was investigated. The addition of Cu to Pd/CeO2 improved the activity

at 90–250 °C, and Pd-Cu/CeO2 exhibited the highest activity in all temperature ranges. PdCu/CeO2 exhibited higher activity for CO oxidation than Cu/CeO2. The addition of Cu did not

affect the electronic state of Pd and did not form Pd-Cu bimetallic particles; however, it reduced

the Pd particle size and improved the dispersion of Pd.

In Chapter 6, the effect of SO2 on VOC oxidation over Pd/Al2O3 was discussed. In this

chapter, I found that the benzene oxidation activity of Pd/-Al2O3, a widely used catalyst for

VOC oxidation, was improved by SO2 treatment after the activity was reduced by sintering due

to high-temperature treatment. Pd species existed as coarsened PdO and did not form sulfides

or sulfites. DRIFT studies showed that SO2 treatment suppressed the formation of byproduct

compounds on the catalyst, resulting in increased activity for benzene oxidation.

In this study, I systematically investigated the effects of (1) the catalyst support, (2) the

transition metal addition, and (3) the sulfur species on the catalytic properties of Pd catalysts.

To improve catalytic activity, I investigated the effects of catalyst support and transition metal

additions. The Pd-Cu/CeO2 catalyst showed high activity in the CO oxidation reaction under


dilute O2 conditions. In addition, the factors that contribute to activity enhancement were

clarified. Furthermore, the effects of sulfur species on catalyst structure and activity were

investigated in detail using various spectroscopic techniques to design catalysts highly resistant

to sulfur poisoning. Traditionally, elucidating the mechanism of sulfur poisoning has been

challenging due to the complexity of catalytic reactions and the difficulty of observing the local

structure of actual catalysts. This study significantly contributed to elucidating the mechanism

of sulfur poisoning by enabling analysis at the atomic level and under actual reaction conditions.

The findings in this study are expected to be applied not only to exhaust gas purification but

also to all catalytic reactions under residual sulfur, especially in petroleum refining and

hydrogen production from fossil fuels.



This thesis is based on experimental work at Einaga-Hojo Laboratory, Department of

Molecular and Material Sciences, Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University.

I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Professor Hisahiro Einaga for his

continuous guidance.

I want to extend my thanks to Professor Hajime Hojo for his constant advice.

I thank my thesis committee, Professor Kengo Shimanoe and Professor Shinji Kudo, for

their helpful discussions and guidance with my thesis.

I appreciate the support given to me by Professor Takeharu Sugiyama of the Kyushu

Synchrotron Light Research Center in the XAFS measuring.

I would like to thank our secretary Ms. Akiko Nishioka for her support in our research life.

I thank all former and present members of the Einaga-Hojo Laboratory for their help and


I would like to thank the staff of Green Asia Course for their help.

Last but not least, I must express my sincere appreciation to my family and friends for their

constant and continued support and patience.

Saki Shigenobu

February 2022





