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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Effect of indoor thermal environment on resident's condition of long-term care need (本文)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Effect of indoor thermal environment on resident's condition of long-term care need (本文)

中島, 侑江 慶應義塾大学



Increased expenses in healthcare and long-term care due to population ageing is a serious problem, and extension of healthy life expectancy is an urgent need. From the perspective of architectural environmental engineering, various studies have examined health problems related to cold temperatures. However, previous studies mainly focused on cross-sectional associations, and the ability to maximize healthy life expectancy by improving indoor thermal environment is yet unknown. A hypothesis was formulated stating, “a warm indoor environment can improve resident’s health and contribute to the prevention of conditions that lead to long-term care (LTC).” To investigate this hypothesis, two studies were conducted among people certificated for LTC need and a third study used national data to assess the risk of fuel poverty.

Chapter 1 describes the background and outlines the LTC insurance system in Japan. Moreover, by summarizing domestic and foreign policies and previous research on health problems related to cold temperature and fuel poverty, objectives of the study were described.

Chapter 2 presents a study investigating whether and how a warmer indoor thermal environment could prevent or delay LTC certification among clients from outpatient rehabilitation facilities. Physical performance, frailty, and age at LTC certification were selected as outcomes and investigated in relation to the indoor thermal environment of their home.

Chapter 3 summarizes a study on the effect of indoor thermal environment in nursing homes on deterioration of care level of residents. The effect of indoor thermal environment on residents’ health was investigated from two aspects: 1) the relationship between indoor temperature and blood pressure and 2) the relationship between relative humidity and oral dryness. Furthermore, the speed of decline of care level was investigated in relation to indoor thermal environment to understand which type of indoor thermal environment can prevent deterioration of care level.

Chapter 4 describes a nationwide analysis of fuel poverty based on administrative stats data. A methodology to determine fuel poverty households by using individual data of the Housing and Land Survey was suggested. The results were used to identify the attributes of the residents and houses under risk of fuel poverty.

Chapter 5 presents the conclusions of this thesis.



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