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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Simple-minded objects in triangulated categories and Cohen-Macaulay differential graded modules」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Simple-minded objects in triangulated categories and Cohen-Macaulay differential graded modules

JIN, Haibo 晋, 海波 名古屋大学



Part 1. Derived categories and triangulated categories appear in many areas of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry, representation theory and algebraic topology. An important way to construct a new triangulated category is the Verdier quotient. But usually the morphisms in the quotient category are too complicated to understand. It is known in some nice cases, Verdier quotient can be realized as a reduction process, which is another way to construct a new triangulated category. The reduction can be realized as a certain sub (or subfactor) category of the given one and is easier to study.

The first part of this thesis is devoted to introducing a new reduction process of triangulated categories with respect to simple-minded collections (or SMC for short). Simple modules are one of the most basic and important objects in the representation theory of algebras. There have been many generalizations and studies of simple modules. Among them, SMC in derived categories and SMS (=simple-minded system) in singularity categories have particular importance. We show that SMC behaves very nice under reduction process and there is a bijection between SMCs in the new triangulated category and SMCs in the original one containing certain objects. A similar process called the SMS reduction has been studied by Coelho Simoes and Pauksztello.

Moreover, we consider the pair (𝒯, 𝒯 𝑝 ) of a triangulated category 𝒯 and its thick subcategory 𝒯 𝑝 satisfying certain assumptions, and also the singularity category 𝒯𝑠𝑔: = 𝒯/𝒯 𝑝 . We show the quotient map sends SMCs in 𝒯 to SMSs in 𝒯𝑠𝑔, which is highly non-trivial. Further we prove that the SMS reduction is the shadow of the SMC reduction, that is, the following diagram of operations commutes

This is parallel to a result obtained by Iyama and Yang that Calabi-Yau reduction is the shadow of silting reduction.

Part 2. The second part of this thesis is devoted to introducing Cohen-Macaulay (CM) differential graded (dg) modules and study their representation theory. The notion of CohenMacaulay (CM) modules is classical in commutative algebras, and has natural generalizations for non-commutative algebras. The category of CM modules has been studied by many researchers in representation theory. On the other hand, the derived categories of differential graded (dg) categories introduced by Bondal-Kapranov and Keller is an active subject appearing in various areas of mathematics. We are aimed to introduce CM dg modules to connect these two subjects.

We consider a nice class of dg algebras 𝐴 called Gorenstein and introduce the category 𝐂𝐌 𝐴 of CM dg A-modules. For the case of Gorenstein algebras, the category of CM modules is a Frobenius exact category, and Buchweitz found a triangle equivalence between the stable category of CM modules and certain Verdier quotient of the derived category called the singularity category by Orlov. However, 𝐂𝐌 𝐴 does not have a natural structure of Frobenius exact category in our setting. Surprisingly we find that it has a structure of Frobenius extriangulated category, which is introduced by Nakaoka and Palu as a common generalization of exact category and triangulated category. As an analogue of Buchweitz's equivalence, we show that the stable category 𝑪𝑴 𝐴 is triangle equivalent to the singularity category. We study 𝐂𝐌 𝐴 from a point of view of representation theory, and show that it admits Auslander-Reiten extensions. One of the most important problems in CM representation is to understand CMfinite Gorenstein (dg) algebras, in the sense that they have only finitely many indecomposable CM (dg) modules. We give a complete classification of Auslander-Reiten quivers of CM-finite dsymmetric dg algebras for 𝑑 ≥ 1, which is one of the most basic cases of CM-finite Gorenstein dg algebras.

Part 3. The third part is the continuation of the first two parts. Recently there is increasing interest in negative Calabi-Yau (CY) triangulated categories, including 𝑪𝑴 𝐴 for 𝑑 −symmetric dg algebras 𝐴 (which are (−𝑑) − 𝐶𝑌). These categories often contain d-SMS, which plays a key role in the study. We show that there is a bijection between d-SMSs in (−𝑑) −CY cluster category and maximal simplices in ∆ 𝑑 (Φ) without negative simple roots, where ∆ 𝑑 (Φ) is introduced by Fomin and Reading as a generalization of the combinatorial structure of cluster algebras of finite type.


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