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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Long Time Constant May Endorse Sharp Waves and Spikes Than Sharp Transients in Scalp Electroencephalography: A Comparison of Both After-Slow Among Different Time Constant and High-Frequency Activity Analysis」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Long Time Constant May Endorse Sharp Waves and Spikes Than Sharp Transients in Scalp Electroencephalography: A Comparison of Both After-Slow Among Different Time Constant and High-Frequency Activity Analysis

Sultana, Shamima 京都大学 DOI:10.14989/doctor.k23816



Appropriate Electroencephalography (EEG) readings are crucial for making the diagnosis of epilepsy, especially for the detection of epileptiform discharges (EDs): sharp waves and spikes. However, only by visual inspection it is still inaccurate even for certified electroencephalographers to distinguish EDs from morphologically resembling normal or non-specific sharply contoured waveforms, i.e., sharp transients (Sts). Under long time constant (TC) settings (e.g., 2 s), slow activities are not attenuated as compared with the conventional settings (e.g., 0.1—0.3 s). Long TC may be beneficial for detecting the after-slow activity of EDs. However, the degree of detection of after-slow activity of EDs under different TC conditions has not been systematically analyzed and there was no study about the endorsement of the definition of Sts with lesser after-slow as opposed to EDs.

In this study, the chief question was whether long TC is useful for detecting the after-slow activity of EDs and for differentiating EDs from Sts. The classification of these two groups was also endorsed by high-frequency activity (HFA) that is considered to have a selective association with EDs.

Sixty eight after-slow activities preceded by 32 EDs (26 sharp waves and six spikes) and those of 36 Sts were collected from 52 patients with partial and generalized epilepsy (22 men, 30 women; mean age 39.08 ± 13.13 years) defined by visual inspection. Frequency of HFA associated with the apical component of EDs and Sts was investigated to endorse the EDs selectively. After separating nine Sts that were labeled by visual inspection but did not fulfill the amplitude criteria for after-slow of Sts, finally 59 activities (32 EDs and 27 Sts) were analyzed about the total area of after-slow under three TCs (long: 2 s; conventional: 0.3 s; and short: 0.1 s).

1) The total area of after-slow in all 32 EDs under TC 2 s was significantly larger than those under TC 0.3 s and 0.1 s (p < 0.001). Conversely, no significant differences were observed in the same parameter of 27 Sts among the three different TCs.
2) Compared to Sts, HFA was found significantly more often with the apical component of EDs (p < 0.05). 3) Regarding separated nine Sts, the total area of after-slow showed a similar tendency to that of 27 Sts under three different TCs.

These results suggest that long TC could be useful for selectively detecting EDs by differentiating from Sts. These findings are concordant with the results of the HFA analysis, endorsing the current operational definitions of EDs and Sts, and also the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology guidelines.


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