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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「堆積物中の環境DNAの性質解明と過去環境復元への応用」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





Sakata, Masayuki 神戸大学



The loss of biodiversity has been one of major concerns of the global ecosystem, and it is caused by increased or altered human activities and the associated environmental changes. In particular, almost one in three freshwater species are threatened with extinction in freshwater environments. Not only monitoring the organisms presently inhabiting, but also reconstructing how organisms community composition and population size have changed in the past along with environmental change will contribute to conserve biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems. Reconstruction of past biological information has been carried out on taxa with traces of shells, pollen fossils or macroremains that are hard to be decomposed and remain in the sediments, by visual inspection of these traces in past sediments and analysis of the DNA obtained from them. However, it was difficult to reconstruct the past biological information in taxa with few macroremain in the sediment represented by fish. Although sedimentary environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis of macroorganisms in the sediments may be used to reconstruct the past fish information, and actually, a few attempts have been made to reconstruct fish information using sedimentary eDNA from sediment cores; however, it has been conducted in relatively suitable environment for preservation of eDNA such as low-temperature or anoxic environments. By contrast, there is no report of sedimentary eDNA detection from past sediment cores in temperate lakes, where eDNA degradation seems relatively rapid. In addition, whereas aqueous eDNA (eDNA in the water) analysis is known to be useful for biomonitoring for conservation, it has not been investigated whether sedimentary eDNA is suitable for biodiversity monitoring. The purpose of this thesis was to examine to the applicability of sedimentary eDNA analysis for reconstructing the past fish information in temperate lake ecosystems using sediment cores. For this purpose, a series of studies were conducted as follows. Firstly, the decay rate of fish eDNA in sediments was examined to clarify detectable period of it. Secondly, the spatial heterogeneity of sedimentary eDNA was investigated for better selection of sampling site. Thirdly, the effectiveness of sedimentary eDNA analysis examined to biodiversity monitoring, in the natural environments. Finally, based on those results of investigations, the applicability of sedimentary eDNA analysis for reconstructing the past biological information in fish was examined in a temperate lake.

In Chapter 2, to clarify the decay rate of sedimentary eDNA, comparative experiments between sedimentary and aqueous eDNA on the decay rates were conducted in the laboratory. Next, to clarify the biological information retained in sedimentary eDNA both qualitatively and quantitatively, fish eDNA concentrations in sediment and water samples collected simultaneously from a natural lake were compared, and the eDNA metabarcoding results for fish species were also compared. The results demonstrated that: l)the decay rate of sedimentary eDNA was lower than that of aqueous eDNA; 2) sedimentary eDNA concentration was higher than aqueous eDNA concentration; and 3) the species composition obtained by metabarcoding was not significantly different between sediment and water; however, some species were detected only in sediment or water samples. The low decay rate of sedimentary eDNA could be due to the adsorption of eDNA onto the sediment particles and the resulting suppression of degradation, and it would make the high concentration of sedimentary eDNA compared to aqueous eDNA. Although the species composition was not significantly different between sample types, some species, such as rare species with small populations, were detected either in sediment or water samples. Therefore, biological information from water and sediment samples could be complementary because sedimentary eDNA reflects a longer timescale, whereas aqueous eDNA reflects a wider spatial scale.

In Chapter 3, to investigate the difference of detected fish composition between sampling positions at a single site in a natural river, sedimentary eDNA metabarcoding were conducted, and the number and composition of detected species were compared between sampling positions in a single site. In addition, to evaluate the effectiveness of sedimentary eDNA analysis for biomonitoring, the detected number of species was compared between sedimentary and aqueous eDNA metabarcoding. As a result, the fish compositions detected by sedimentary eDNA metabarcoding were different between sampling positions despite the short sampling distance. This result suggested spatially heterogeneous distribution of sedimentary eDNA. In addition, the number of species detected by sedimentary eDNA metabarcoding was equivalent to that by aqueous eDNA metabarcoding, which has already shown the effectiveness for biodiversity monitoring. The different time-scale between sedimentary and aqueous eDNA would explain this. In consequence, the most effective eDNA metabarcoding methods to obtain the maximum number of species will include to use both aqueous and sedimentary eDNA.

In Chapter 4, the applicability of sedimentary eDNA analysis to reconstruct the past biological information of fish was examined to target two fish species, Plecoglossus altivelis and Gymnogobius isaza, that inhabit Lake Biwa. Both fish species are chosen as target species because those are native species in Lake Biwa and have always been present in Lake Biwa for about the past 100 years, when they can be reconstructed by a sediment core. In addition, the relationship between fluctuations of sedimentary eDNA concentrations and that of recorded hiomass was investigated in P. altivelis. A sediment core was collected at offshore in the northern area of Lake Biwa, and sedimentary eDNA was extracted from the separated sediment layers. Sedimentary eDNA detection was conducted to two fish species. As the results, the P. altivelis and G. isaza DNA were detected by sedimentary eDNA analysis method from past sediment layers up to approximately 100 and 30 years ago, respectively. The detection of these fish sedimentary eDNA supports that the long-term persistence of sedimentary eDNA in marine and freshwater sediments as previously reported, and suggests that past fish eDNA can be preserved in sediments for a long time. Therefore, sedimentary eDNA analysis method can be applicable to the reconstruction of past biological information on fishes. Although the positive relationship between CPUE and sedimentary eDNA concentrations in P. altivelis was suggested, the relationship was not statistically significant. This result may imply that sedimentary eDNA signatures track temporal variation in fish abundance. To perform more robust statistical analysis, increasing sedimentary eDNA detection will be necessary. Chapter 4 demonstrated a proof of concept that fish sedimentary eDNA can be detected in a temperate lake, which is the main purpose of this thesis. However, in the future, to enhance the detection accuracy of this analysis method, it would be required that increasing sampling efforts.

Through overall the thesis, sedimentary eDNA characteristics of the decay rate and the spatial heterogeneity were revealed through the control experiment and field surveys, and the applicability of sedimentary eDNA as a new method for reconstructing the past biological information of macroorganisms in temperate lake was confirmed. Sedimentary eDNA was usefill for reconstructing the past fish information. This is because sedimentary eDNA has the low decay rate and can be detectable in the past sediments for a long period of time. However, in the case of Chapter. 2, based on the degradation model constructed, fish sedimentary epNA could become undetectable in about 1.5 years by degradation. Although there may be differences in initial concentrations and target species, sedimentary eDNA was preserved up to 100 years in a field as shown in Chapter 4. This suggests that eDNA in sediments may shift to a less degradable state as sedimentation progresses and be preserved for a long time. Sedimentary eDNA will provide different species composition from aqueous eDNA in biodiversity monitoring. In biodiversity monitoring, using both sedimentary eDNA and aqueous eDNA metabarcoding can provide the maximum number of species. In addition, sedimentary eDNA analysis not only complements aqueous eDNA analysis but would be also used for different purposes or instead of aqueous eDNA. Contrary to the species that can be detected by aqueous eDNA metabarcoding have seasonal variations (e.g. caused by migratoiy species), sedimentary eDNA analysis methods may be applied to detect species regardless of the season due to its low decay rate. Sedimentary eDNA analysis provides the past fish information that has been a gap in the reconstruction of past communities to date in temperate lake ecosystems. Combining information on macroorganisms from sedimentary eDNA analysis with phytoplankton, zooplankton and algae information from conventional analyses of macroremains and fossils may allow for reconstruction of the past biological information across multiple trophic levels. Furthermore, by using information on trophic conditions in the lake from organic compound analysis, vegetation in the catchment area from pollen fossil analysis, and changes in surrounding land use from heavy metal analysis, it would allow the reconstruction of not only the biotic environment within the lake but also the biotic and abiotic environments inside and outside the lake. In the future, such attempts are expected to contribute to reconstruct the overall dynamics of ecosystems and their supporting environment in the past.



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