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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「A comprehensive modeling to bridge across laboratory, field and basin data for exposure assessment of paddy pesticide in aquatic environment」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




A comprehensive modeling to bridge across laboratory, field and basin data for exposure assessment of paddy pesticide in aquatic environment

Kondo, Kei 東京農工大学



In Japan, paddy pesticide applied to paddy field is more prone to runoff to the outsides of the fields, and therefore one of the major concerns for the pollution of aquatic environment. Although the pesticide safety in the environment has been rigorously screened under the standard scenarios in the registration, this approach cannot cover the regionally-variated actual field condition where the monitoring study is conducted as the exposure assessment in post-registration process. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a comprehensive modeling of paddy pesticide to assess the regional exposure characteristics of paddy pesticides.

Four-year experiments were conducted to compare the dissipation patterns of a total of 20 pesticides in various formulations applied by submerged application, nursery-box application and foliar application in flooded lysimeters (lysimeters) and paddy fields with two soil types. The similarities of the dissipation data between test plots were assessed by the simple kinetic modeling to derive DT50. For submerged application, although the lysimeters could simulate nearly half of the decreasing phase of dissipation with granular formulations in paddy fields, the accuracy of the detection level was low. This tendency was consistent for flowable formulation. For the case of nursery-box and foliar application cases, the detection levels were comparable between lysimeters and paddy fields. From these results, the submerged application scenario had the highest possibility to variate the pesticide dissipation patterns between lysimeters and paddy fields.

For more detailed analysis, an inverse analysis procedure of paddy pesticide dissipation was developed using the mathematical model (PCPF-1R model) and open software R packages. The developed procedure was verified using the dissipation data of simetryn and molinate applied in the lysimeters and the paddy fields. The model calibration was performed by the global and local sensitivity analyses and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique. From the calibrated simulations of simetryn and molinate showed that the current experimental deign of the lysimeters might underestimate the paddy fields mainly due to the faster daily percolation setting in the lysimeter. However, this problem was successfully improved by modifying experimental design of lysimeter through the case study.

To clarify the pesticide behavior in soil and interface between paddy water and soil, a laboratory container tests for flooded soils applying four herbicides were conducted. The results were subjected to in-laboratory inverse analysis using PCPF-LR model.



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