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李, 寒羽 LI, HANYU リ, カンウ 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Numerical Modelling of Infection Dynamics in
Human Upper Airway
李, 寒羽

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2023, 博士(工学), 課程博士

(様式3)Form 3

名 : Li Hanyu


論 文 名 Title: Numerical Modelling of Infection Dynamics in Human Upper Airway

分 :甲


論 文 内 容 の 要 旨
Thesis Summary
Respiratory diseases impact the airways and other structures of the lungs, leading to illness, death, and
disability globally. COVID-19, which has garnered significant attention in recent years, serves as a notable
example. It is a respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which belongs to the broader family
of coronaviruses, also including the viruses responsible for SARS (SARS-CoV) and MERS (MERS-CoV).
Symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild to severe, with some individuals potentially being
COVID-19 primarily spreads via droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
Previously reported studies on airborne transmission and infection risk assessment in indoor environments
have mainly focused on predicting inhalation exposure concentrations based on indoor airflow analysis.
However, a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis and dynamic distribution of respiratory viruses is
critical for further prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. The spread of droplets essentially results
from a complex journey of virus-laden droplets transported from the indoor scale into the human body,
further expanding from the human scale to the cellular scale. As these broad environmental scales are
seamlessly connected via the air, to enhance the accuracy of infection risk assessment predictions, a
numerical model capable of estimating virus deposition and replication inside the human body seamlessly
is necessary.
In this context, we propose a new numerical framework that combines computational fluid and particle
dynamics (CFPD) of the indoor environment with a computational host-cell dynamics (HCD) model
simulating the exposure and infection dynamics in human respiratory tract. Here, we study the case of
SARS-CoV-2, utilizing CFPD to simulate the steady and unsteady deposition distribution of virus-laden
droplets in the upper respiratory tract. It is combined with an HCD model to predict the infection dynamics
of SARS-CoV-2 in the nasal cavity-nasopharynx region. This study enhances the HCD model based on the
mucociliary clearance movement, carries out optimization of relevant parameters and discusses influential
factors, striving to visualize the process of viral infection in the upper respiratory tract. It aims to make a
significant contribution to the further prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.
This thesis consists of six chapters, each of which is briefly summarized below:
Chapter 1 provides a general overview of the thesis, outlines the research objectives, and describes the
overall structure of the thesis. To gain a better understanding of the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 and to
visualize its infection process in the upper respiratory tract, this chapter includes a literature review that
collects clinical and experimental data, presents methods for analyzing particle deposition in the upper
respiratory tract, and explains the HCD model that describes the virus dynamics. It also highlights the
significance and innovations of this study.

Chapter 2 presents a numerical analysis of the deposition distribution of virus-laden droplets released by
coughing in the upper respiratory tract of the susceptible individual. In this study, an important initial
condition - the initial viral load - is estimated based on the deposition distribution of infectious droplets in
the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, this chapter assumes a scenario of a high risk of respiratory infection
and uses two computer-simulated individuals (two computer-simulated persons (CSPs): one infected and
one healthy susceptible) to study the risk of exposure to droplet deposition in the upper respiratory tract
during coughing and breathing activities. After a comparative analysis of breathing patterns, physical social
distance, and particle evaporation conditions, the results from the case where the physical distance is 1m
and droplet evaporation is not considered are mainly used as one of the initial conditions for the
visualization of virus dynamics in Chapter 4.
Chapter 3 is a first attempt to visualize viral dynamics, offering the combination of CFPD and HCD. It
describes how viral dynamics with mucociliary clearance movement are considered in the HCD model and
proposes a combination of the HCD model and a 3D shell model with a mucus layer. Based on the simple
target cell-limited model, convection-diffusion terms are added using parameters from references in CFD
calculations and visual analysis. This chapter updates the HCD model but finds that infection rates and
other parameters from the literature do not agree well with clinical data, suggesting that further optimization
of initial conditions and parameters is necessary to predict the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in the upper
respiratory tract. The problems/issues of the CFPD-HCD coupled analysis methods in upper respiratory
tract with complex three-dimensional geometry are clearly organized and a solution is proposed.
Chapter 4 deals with parameter optimization of the HCD model to better visualize the SARS-CoV-2
infection dynamics based on the results from Chapter2&3. According to the characteristics of the mucus
layer in the upper respiratory tract, this chapter further improves the existing model in Chapter 3 by
proposing a multi-compartment model concept to describe the viral dynamics in a simplified single-layer
and two-layer mucus. At the same time, it uses SARS-CoV-2 human challenge data from individuals who
have not undergone drug treatment and have a clear virus inoculation date as a fitting dataset, with
parameter fitting performed by Monolix. The results show that the parameters obtained from the two-layer,
multi-compartment, low-velocity model, combined with the CFD method, visualize the infection dynamics
of SARS-CoV-2 in the nasal-nasopharyngeal region using the 3D shell model, which could help explain
some symptoms in the nasal cavity and enable targeted prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Meanwhile, using this method, we also used droplet deposition data from a physical distance of 2m from
Chapter 2 for parameter fitting and CFD calculation but found that this method may not be suitable for
smaller droplet deposition. Therefore, we should carry out an independent analysis of the influence of the
initial droplet distribution on the prediction results.
Chapter 5 is an analysis of the impact of droplet distribution in the nasal-nasopharynx region on virus
dynamics prediction. To avoid randomness, this chapter generates an equal number of infectious particles
uniformly in the entire geometric model, the vestibular region, and the nasopharynx region as the initial
conditions for predicting the infection dynamics of SARS-CoV-2, and then discusses the prerequisites to be
considered when using the method in Chapter 4.
Chapter 6 concludes the thesis by providing a summary of each chapter based on the structure of the
thesis, and finally outlining the future prospects of this research.




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Chapter 6. Summary and Future Work

6.1 Summary

The transmission and infection mechanism of viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 that can cause

respiratory diseases should not be underestimated, which is always dangerous to human health. The

mechanism of transmission is the result of the complex journey of virus-carrying droplets from the

indoor scale to the human body, and the mechanism of infection can expand from the human scale to

the cellular scale. To improve the accuracy of infection risk assessment predictions, we propose a

numerical framework that seamlessly estimates viral deposition and replication in humans by

combining CFPD in an indoor environment with a HCD model that simulates human respiratory tract

exposure and infection dynamics. Using SARS-CoV-2 as an example, CFPD was used to model the

distribution of stable and unsteady deposition of virus-containing droplets in the upper respiratory

tract. We combined it with the HCD model to predict the infection dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in the

nasopharyngeal region. Further, based on mucociliary clearance movement to improve the HCD

model, the relevant parameters were optimized and the influencing factors were discussed, and the

process of upper respiratory tract virus infection was visualized.

The main body of the study is summarized as follows:

Chapter 1 provides a literature review, stating the research objectives and significance, and outlines

the overall structure of the paper. To gain a better understanding of the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV2 and visualize its infection process in the URT, the literature review collected clinical and

experimental data, introduced methods for analyzing particle deposition in the URT, and explained

the HCD model for describing virus dynamics.

Chapter 2 numerically analyzes the deposition distribution of virus-laden droplets released through

coughing by the infected person. This analysis serves as a solid foundation for establishing the initial

viral load distribution. Thus, this chapter assumes high-risk scenarios for respiratory infection and

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uses two CSPs to study the risk of droplet deposition in the URT during coughing and breathing

activities. After comparing and analyzing respiratory patterns, physical distance, and particle

evaporation conditions, the results considering a physical distance of 1m without droplet evaporation

are primarily used as one of the initial conditions for the visualization of viral dynamics in Chapter 4.

Chapter 3 introduces the concept of visualizing viral dynamics, providing a combination of CFPD

and HCD. Taking into account mucociliary clearance movement, this chapter proposes the

combination of the HCD model and a 3D-shell model with a mucus layer to study virus dynamics.

Based on a simple target cell-limited model, convection and diffusion terms are added to the CFD

calculation and visualization analysis as reference parameters. This chapter improves the HCD model

but finds a discrepancy between the infection rate and other parameters in the literature and clinical

data, indicating the need for further optimization of initial conditions and parameters to predict the

dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in the URT.

Chapter 4 involves the parameter optimization of the HCD model to better visualize the infection

dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 based on the results from Chapters 2 and 3. Building upon the

characteristics of the URT's mucus layer, this chapter further improves the existing model from

Chapter 3 and proposes a multi-compartment model concept to describe virus dynamics in simplified

one-layer and two-layer mucus. Additionally, it uses SARS-CoV-2 human challenge data from

individuals who did not receive drug treatment and had a known virus inoculation date as a fitting

dataset, with parameter fitting performed using Monolix. The results demonstrate that by utilizing

parameters obtained from a two-layer, multi-compartment, low-velocity model, combined with the

CFD method and a 3D-shell model, the infection dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in the nasal cavitynasopharynx region can be visualized, aiding in the understanding of certain nasal symptoms and

enabling targeted prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Furthermore, using this approach, the

deposition data of droplets at a physical distance of 2m from Chapter 2 were used for parameter fitting

and CFD calculations, but it was found that this method may not be applicable to smaller droplet

depositions. Therefore, the impact of the initial droplet distribution on the prediction results should

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be independently analyzed.

Chapter 5 analyzes the impact of droplet deposition distribution in the nasal cavity-nasopharynx

region on predictions of virus dynamics. To avoid randomness, this chapter uniformly generates an

equal number of infectious droplets throughout the entire geometric model, the vestibule, and the

nasopharynxl region as initial conditions for predicting the viral dynamics. It then discusses the

prerequisites to consider when using this method, as outlined in Chapter 4.

Indeed, these chapters are interconnected and progressively build upon each other with the aim of

accurately predicting the infection dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in the nasal cavity-nasopharynx region.

By incorporating clinical and experimental data, analyzing particle deposition, and developing

computational models such as CFPD and HCD, the research strives to provide a comprehensive

understanding of how the virus spreads and infects the upper respiratory tract. This knowledge can

be instrumental in formulating targeted strategies for preventing and treating COVID-19 and other

respiratory illnesses.

6.2 Future work

At a crucial moment when the author was about to summarize this study, unfortunately, I was

infected with COVID-19. Symptoms such as nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, and fever were

inevitable, which further strengthened my interest in this research topic. The mechanism of viral

infection is complex and variable, and there is significant individual variation, which requires more

future work to address the limitations of the current research.

 Improve the analysis of independent initial conditions: Further investigate the influence of factors

such as initial viral load concentration thresholds on the infection dynamics. This will help

improve the accuracy and reliability of the model.

 Establish a numerical framework for studying the viral dynamics in the complete respiratory

tract: Expand the scope of the study to include the entire respiratory tract, including the upper

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and lower respiratory tracts such as the lungs. Precisely set boundary conditions based on the

direction of mucociliary clearance and the properties of mucus. Given the complexity of the

bronchial system in the lungs, this will require significant time and effort for in-depth research.

 Incorporate the immune responses: The immune response plays a critical role in the host's

interaction with viruses, impacting the course and outcome of viral infections. Understanding

and incorporating these factors into predictive models can enhance their accuracy and the efficacy

of devised strategies.

 Classify different respiratory viruses: Classify respiratory viruses according to their pathogenic

mechanisms and infectivity, not limited to just SARS-CoV-2. Consider studying viruses such as

influenza-A that can be self-resolving in a short period to obtain more general conclusions that

will contribute to the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.

 Explore non-spherical pathogens: If sufficient time and resources are available, focus on further

investigating non-spherical pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (causing

tuberculosis). This would be an interesting research direction.

[Previously published documents related the present research]

[1] Hanyu Li, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito. SARS-CoV-2 Dynamics in the Mucus Layer of the

Human Upper Respiratory Tract Based on Host-Cell Dynamics. Sustainability, 2022, 14 (7),

3896. (DOI: 10.3390/su14073896)

[2] Hanyu Li, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito, Visual prediction and parameter optimization of viral

dynamics in the mucus milieu of the upper airway based on CFPD-HCD analysis, Computer

Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 238 (2023) 107622.


[3] Takumi Nishihara, Hanyu Li, Kazuki Kuga, Kazuhide Ito. Seamless numerical analysis of

transient virus-laden droplet dispersion and resultant respiratory infection-in silico study.

Building and Environment. Submitted.

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