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Increasing developer productivity by improving build performance and automating logging code injection (本文)

窪田, 貴文 慶應義塾大学



As software is growing in size and complexity, it is critical to develop software efficiently and reliably. For example, Continuous Integration (CI) has become a de-facto practice of the daily development in large software projects, in which builds and tests are automated, resulting in numerous developers’ modifications are efficiently integrated in a mainline.

However, as an obstacle for improving development efficiency, software en- gineers spend lots of time outside of the actual development of the software. This dissertation addresses two problems. 1) Build time: builds occur frequently dur- ing software development. As a result, the times spent on builds is a noticeable overhead. 2) Logging code insertion: the quality of log messages is critical to the efficiency in failure diagnosis. However, appropriately inserting the logging code is time-consuming because it depends on developers’ expertise and engineering effort.

To deal with these problems, I introduce two effective tools. For build times, I present a new build system, called Cauldron, which aims to improve the build performance for large C++ projects. Cauldron supports sophisticated unity builds and adaptive build behavior based on the number of files to be compiled. My experiments show that Cauldron outperforms existing approaches; for ex- ample, it reduces build times of WebKit by 23% in continuous builds.

For logging code insertion, I introduce a new logging tool, called K9, which automatically inserts the logging code to trace inter-thread data dependencies caused by shared data among threads. In multi-threaded systems, the traceability of inter-thread data dependencies is essential in failure diagnosis because the thread actually causing the failure may be different from the thread executing the buggy code. In my experiments, I show that the log of K9 provides useful clues for debugging four bugs in the Linux kernel, including one unknown bug.

The contribution of this dissertation is summarized as follows. As software development consists of multiple tasks, it is important to consider the various processes in the development cycle. This dissertation proposes two tools to im- prove the efficiency of two specific parts of software development: build time and logging code insertion. I describe in detail the design, implementation, and evaluations of the two tools.


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