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西脇, 瑞紀 NISHIWAKI, Mizuki ニシワキ, ミズキ 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Chemical-Thermodynamic Explorations on the
Dissolution of Water in Magma: Breaking of the
Ideal Mixing Model and Estimations of
Temperature Change with Decompression-Induced
西脇, 瑞紀

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2022, 博士(理学), 課程博士


論 文 名



Chemical-Thermodynamic Explorations on the Dissolution of Water in

Magma: Breaking of the Ideal Mixing Model and Estimations of Temperature Change with
Decompression-Induced Vesiculation

変化の見積り )

Since water solubility in magmas (silicate melts) is a very fundamental and important piece
of information in volcanology, it has been investigated extensively from both experimental and
theoretical perspectives. Nevertheless, there has been no consensus on the consistency between
experimentally determined water solubility values and those estimated through a chemical
thermodynamics-based theoretical equation. In this study, I explicitly revisit this traditional
problem and consider how the consistency should be established between experimental and
theoretical values for the partial molar volume and heat of dissolution of water, which
characterize the pressure- and temperature-dependence of water solubility, respectively.
The partial molar volume of water in silicate melt has been often estimated through an
indirect way in which an experimentally determined water solubility in silicate melt is
substituted into a theoretical equation derived from chemical thermodynamics. However, it has
been also often reported that the values estimated in such a way significantly deviated from the
value estimated through a direct method such as density measurement of quenched glass. In
this study, I attributed this paradox to the assumption of the ideal mixing of bridging oxygen
(O) of silicate and water (molecular water H2Om and hydroxyl groups OH), i.e., neglecting
non-ideality, in the theoretical equation of water solubility used in the past. Therefore, I showed
that the assumption of the ideal mixing is broken by a simple calculation, and by applying the
asymmetric regular solution model for the three components mentioned above, I found that
strong positive non-ideality appears when H2Om enters an environment with high O content.
Next, by using the above results to describe the equilibrium constant for the first dissolution
reaction of water into melt (r1: H2Om (vapor) ⇔ H2Om (in melt)) and substituting it into the
theoretical equation, I calculated the enthalpy change (i.e., the heat of dissolution of water into
melt) for r1 in a wide range of temperatures and pressures. As a result, the heat of dissolution
for r1 is about −20 kJ/mol regardless of the temperature and pressure, indicating that it is an
exothermic reaction. By adding the heat of dissolution for the second reaction (r2: H2Om (in
melt) + Si-O-Si ⇔ 2 Si-OH, endothermic), the heat of dissolution for the entire dissolution
reaction can also be calculated over a wide temperature and pressure range. The results show a

shift toward endothermic at higher temperatures and toward exothermic at lower temperatures
and higher pressures, but the magnitude of the shift is highly dependent on the previously
estimated value of the heat of dissolution for r2, which varies depending on the method of
measurement of the speciation of H2Om and OH.
Furthermore, based on these values, I numerically calculated the temperature change of
hydrous rhyolitic melt with decompression-induced water vesiculation ascending a volcanic
conduit, assuming it is the equilibrium degassing in a closed system. The results showed that
the effects of the heat of exsolution of water from melt and the mechanical work of bubble
expansion contributed to warming and cooling the system, respectively, and the sum of them
resulted in slight cooling due to the relation of their magnitudes.
In the future, by combining the results of this study with the effect of latent heat of
crystallization of magma and solving them simultaneously, it may be possible to construct a
new conduit flow model with an enhanced material science aspect that incorporates
temperature changes due to vesiculation and crystallization in magma.



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