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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Spin-Crossover-Triggered Linkage Isomerization by the Pedal-like Motion of the Azobenzene Ligand in a Neutral Heteroleptic Iron(III) Complex」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Spin-Crossover-Triggered Linkage Isomerization by the Pedal-like Motion of the Azobenzene Ligand in a Neutral Heteroleptic Iron(III) Complex

Miyawaki, Atsuhiro Eda, Kazuo Mochida, Tomoyuki Sakurai, Takahiro Ohta, Hitoshi Nakajima, Takahito Takahashi, Kazuyuki 神戸大学



The temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of [FeIII(azp)(qsal-Me)]·0.5CH3OH [Hqsal-Me = 5-methyl-N-(8-quinoyl)salicylaldimine, H2azp = 2,2′-azobisphenol] demonstrated that the spin-crossover (SCO) transition behavior changed from an abrupt transition to consecutive gradual conversions, and moreover, the initial abrupt transition was recovered, keeping the complex at room temperature. The variable-temperature crystal structures revealed that an SCO-triggered linkage isomerization of the azobenzene ligand from one orientation to two disordered orientations and the relaxation from the disordered orientations to the original orientation occurred. The high-spin to low-spin relaxation kinetics and theoretical calculation indicate that the pedal-like motion of the azobenzene ligand can be on in the high-spin state whereas off in the low-spin state.



Figure 5. Energy diagram of the [Fe(azp)(qsal-Me)] molecules optimized at the B3LYP* functional in a gas phase at

298 K. The Gibbs energy of the LS isomer is set to zero.

In summary, we demonstrated the synthesis, crystal

structures, physical measurements, and theoretical calculations of the methyl-substituted neutral heteroleptic

Fe(III) complex 2 from the azobenzene ligand. The ligand orientational disorder, the HS-to-LS relaxation, and

computed TS energies revealed that the SCO transition

from the LS to HS state would be coupled to the pedallike motion of the azobenzene ligand, resulting in linkage isomerization in complex 2. This SCO-induced linkage isomerization indicates that the spin-state of a transition metal complex can switch not only the molecular

motion of a coordinated ligand but also the bonding and

dissociation of a coordination bond. The former leads to

the possibility of the on-off switch of motion for

molecular machines and actuators, the latter may lead to

the elucidation of a chemical reaction mechanism involved in metal complex catalysts and bioinorganic molecular functional systems having potential SCO metal

centers. Further investigations from the point of view of

intermolecular interactions are needed to clarify the

mechanisms of the unidirectional relaxation to the OR

isomer and the change in SCO transition.

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