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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Interpretation of Time-Varying Radio Emissions of SgrA Observed by 1.3 Millimeter-Wavelength VLBI with Black Hole Binary Concluded by Decameter Radio Wave Pulse Observations」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Interpretation of Time-Varying Radio Emissions of SgrA Observed by 1.3 Millimeter-Wavelength VLBI with Black Hole Binary Concluded by Decameter Radio Wave Pulse Observations

Hiroshi Oya 東北大学 DOI:10.33140/EESRR.05.04.05



In 2011, by 1.3 mm wavelength VLBI radio wave observations of the SgrA*, Fish, V. L. et al showed that the emissions tightly related to the formation of a black hole shadow have a remarkably large time-varying feature within a region of less than 50 μas. The present paper suggests that the origin of the time variation in the observed emission is due to effects of the orbital motion of the existing super-massive black hole binary orbiting at SgrA* with a period of 2150±2.5 s. This suggestion is based on observations of decameter radio wave pulses from SgrA*. We show a good correlation between the time variation in the coherent flux density of the VLBI results and the time variation model of estimated emission intensities based on the periodic motion of the super-massive black hole binary by applying parameters deduced from the decameter radio wave pulse observation model (DRWP-Model). With further confirmation by Fourier analyses of the potential periodicity of the VLBI data that show the same periods of DRWP Model, we conclude that the time variation detected by the 1.3 mm wavelength radio wave VLBI is evidence of an existing super-massive black hole at Sgr A*.



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