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Giant multiple caloric effects in charge transition ferrimagnet

Kosugi, Yoshihisa Goto, Masato Tan, Zhenhong Kan, Daisuke Isobe, Masahiko Yoshii, Kenji Mizumaki, Masaichiro Fujita, Asaya Takagi, Hidenori Shimakawa, Yuichi 京都大学 DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-91888-8



Caloric effects of solids can provide us with innovative refrigeration systems more efficient and environment-friendly than the widely-used conventional vapor-compression cooling systems. Exploring novel caloric materials is challenging but critically important in developing future technologies. Here we discovered that the quadruple perovskite structure ferrimagnet BiCu₃Cr₄O₁₂ shows large multiple caloric effects at the first-order charge transition occurring around 190 K. Large latent heat and the corresponding isothermal entropy change, 28.2 J K⁻¹ kg⁻¹, can be utilized by applying both magnetic fields (a magnetocaloric effect) and pressure (a barocaloric effect). Adiabatic temperature changes reach 3.9 K for the 50 kOe magnetic field and 4.8 K for the 4.9 kbar pressure, and thus highly efficient thermal controls are achieved in multiple ways.



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We thank Shoubao Zhang and Takashi Saito for discussion, and Shogo Kawaguchi for help in synchrotron X-ray

diffraction measurements. The synchrotron radiation experiments were performed at the Japan Synchrotron

Radiation Research Institute, Japan (Proposal Nos. 2019B1757, 2020A1137 and 2020A1671). This work was partly

supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Nos. 24540362, 19K15585, 19H05823, 19K22073, 20K20547,

20H02829, and 20H00397) and by grants for the Integrated Research Consortium on Chemical Sciences and the

International Collaborative Research Program of Institute for Chemical Research in Kyoto University from the

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. This work was also supported

by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Core-to-Core Program (A) Advanced Research Networks and

by the Yazaki Memorial Foundation for Science and Technology.

Author contributions

Y.K. and Y.S. conceived the idea and initiated the project. D.K., A.F., H.T., and Y.S. supervised the project. Y.K.,

M.G., Z.T., and M.I. prepared the samples and performed structure analysis as well as magnetic and property

measurements. Y.K., M.G., K.Y., M.M., A.F., and Y.S. measured caloric effects. All authors discussed the experimental data and wrote the manuscript.

Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.

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Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://​doi.​org/​


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