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Robust causal inference via subclassification and covariate balancing methods (本文)

中村, 知繁 慶應義塾大学



Subclassification and covariate balancing methods are two representative approaches of robust estimation for causal effects in observational studies. To estimate causal effects in observational studies, propensity score weighting estimators are often used under the strongly ignorable treatment assignment assumption. However, in many cases, because propensity scores must be estimated from data, a model misspecification of propensity score may occur in practice. As a consequence a causal estimator may suffer from severe bias due to the misspecification. Subclassification and covariate balancing methods are known as robust estimation approaches for the propensity score model misspecification problems.

This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 is a brief introduction to causal inference including causal estimand such as average treatment effects and the related estimation methods.

In Chapter 2, robust causal inference by a covariate balancing method is introduced. Firstly, we introduce a covariate balancing method and its difference from the standard approach that models treatment assignment by parametric models such as a logistic regres- sion model. Then we show the reason why a covariate balancing method has the robustness compared to the standard parametric approach. We apply a covariate balancing method to estimate the effect of a squeeze play in major league baseball and compare the result with those by parametric propensity score models.

In Chapter 3, robust causal inference with subclassification method is introduced and a causal subclassification tree is proposed. The bias of subclassification estimators caused by the fixed number of subclasses is pointed out in many literatures. We show the subclas-
sification estimator constructed by our method has a √N - consistency that the standard subclassification estimator does not have. Then we perform simulation experiments and show that the causal subclassification tree algorithm improves the performance of weight- ing estimators for causal effects, especially when the propensity model and/or outcome model is misspecified.

Chapter 4 is a conclusion of this thesis. We summarize the discussion of robust causal inference with subclassification and covariate balancing methods and then the remaining issues of subclassification methods such as within-subclass bias problems are discussed.


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