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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Early Maternal and Social Deprivation Expands Neural Stem Cell Population Size and Reduces Hippocampus/Amygdala-Dependent Fear Memory.」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Early Maternal and Social Deprivation Expands Neural Stem Cell Population Size and Reduces Hippocampus/Amygdala-Dependent Fear Memory.

DAUN Kenny Anak FUCHIGAMI Takahiro KOYAMA Natsu 50135464 MARUTA Noriko IKENAKA Kazuhiro HITOSHI Seiji 70300895 0000-0002-6339-6802 滋賀医科大学



Early life stress can exert detrimental or beneficial effects on neural development and postnatal behavior depending on the timing, duration, strength, and ability to control the stressors. In this study, we utilized a maternal and social deprivation (MSD) model to investigate the effects of early life stress on neural stem cells (NSCs) and neurogenesis in the adult brain. We found that MSD during the stress-hyporesponsive period (SHRP) (early-MSD), when corticosterone secretion is suppressed, increased the size of the NSC population, whereas the same stress beyond the SHRP abrogated these effects. Early-MSD enhanced neurogenesis not only in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, one of the classic neurogenic regions, but also in the amygdala. In addition, mice exposed to early-MSD exhibited a reduction in amygdala/hippocampus-dependent fear memory. These results suggest that animals exposed to early life stress during the SHRP have reinforced stress resilience to cope with perceived stressors to maintain a normal homeostatic state.


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This article is dedicated to Dr. Kazuhiro Ikenaka who passed away

during the preparation of this manuscript.


All datasets generated for this study are included in the

article/supplementary material.


The animal study was reviewed and approved by the Animal Care

and Use Committee of the Shiga University of Medical Science.


NK and SH designed the research. KD, TF, NK, NM, and SH

performed the research. KD, NK, and SH analyzed the data and

prepared the manuscript. KI and SH supervised the research.


This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific

Research (B) (16H04671) (SH) and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific

Research (C) (15K08669 and 18K07390) (NK) from the Ministry

of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan,

and by the SENSHIN Medical Research Foundation (SH).


We thank K. Inaba, R. Taguchi, M. Tomoeda, and M. Mori for

technical assistance.

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