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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Cycle integrals of modular functions and their applications」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Cycle integrals of modular functions and their applications

Murakami Yuya 東北大学



Singular moduli are values of modular functions at imaginary quadratic points. According to the theory of complex multiplication, they generate class fields of imaginary quadratic fields. For real quadratic cases, cycle integrals of modular functions can be regarded as the “values” of modular functions at the real quadratic numbers, and they are expected to play a role in the real quadratic analogue of singular moduli.

In this thesis, we study properties of cycle integrals of modular functions as “functions” on real quadratic numbers. Firstly, we reveal the continuity of cycle integrals with respect to continued fraction expansions, and it turns out that it is different from the continuity with respect to Euclidean topology. Secondly, we extend the definition of cycle integrals of modular functions from real quadratic numbers to badly approximable numbers. In the case when a modular function is constant, our extended-cycle integrals are an extension of the fundamental units of real quadratic fields. Thirdly, we give explicit representations of values of extended-cycle integrals for some cases. The first case deals with badly approximable numbers with infinitely long cyclic parts in their continued fractions. The second case deals with badly approximable numbers whose continued fraction expansions are Thue-Morse words, typical words that do not have cyclic parts.

We also study cycle integrals from the viewpoint of symbolic dynamics. We interpret cycle integrals by the notation of symbolc dynamics and study its topology. We also define dynamical zeta functions of Ruelle type and express them as Fredholm determinants of transfer operators to give their analytic extension.


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